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In this tutorial,  I will show you:

  1. How to use inline HTML helper inside the view itself
  2. How to use HTML helper with an extension method and call the method in side view.

OK, here we go:

Create your MVC project first

Create your MVC project first

Create your MVC project first

Use HTML helpers as a declarative incline content

In this simple example I am creating a radio button using HTML helper by declaring the logic inside the view file itself. Open the index.cshtml file. The Cshtml file is meant to handle HTML related functionality in a razor view implementation

Use HTML helpers as a declarative incline content

In this simple example I am creating a radio button using HTML helper by declaring the logic inside the view file itself. Open the index.cshtml file. The Cshtml file is meant to handle HTML related functionality in a razor view implementation

Use HTML helpers as a declarative incline content

The code inside is:

@helper CustomRadioButton()

    @Html.RadioButton("Custom", "Y", true)
    @Html.RadioButton("Custom", "N", false)
   Radiobutton from inline MVC HTML helper @CustomRadioButton()</h2>

@helper is the key and you should use the same name. Then comes your method name and it's your own choice. I chose CustomRadioButton() even though it's returning normal radio buttons. Now the method body; @Html will give you a Ref. to HTML helper and you can access built-in control classes. Here I used RadioButton. Our logic is finished and now we need to call the method named CustomRadioButton(). You call it from anywhere using @<<method name>> i.e. @CustomRadioButton(). Now run the application and its output will be as below.

Use HTML helpers as a declarative incline content

Use HTML helpers using extension methods

Create a new class named Helpers (like the following) in a new folder:

Use HTML helpers using extension methods

The inner code is like below and you may already be aware that extension methods are not new and it needs a static class. I will not explain in depth about extension methods, but here we are adding one extension method to the built-in HtmlHelper class.

namespace MvcApplication1.Utilities

    public static class HtmlHelpers
        public static  DateTime GetTodayDate(this HtmlHelper helper)
            return DateTime.Now;


The method merely returns the current date time.

The "this" keyword is determining which class is being extended. Here it's HtmlHelper like GetTodayDate(this HtmlHelper helper).

Now need to build the solution and use this new extension method inside the view file. Again open the same index.cshtml and the code will be like below:

@using MvcApplication1.Utilities;
Date from MVC html helper extension method  @Html.GetTodayDate()</h2>

The 1st statement is understandable as it's importing the required namespace. Once you imported the namespace, now you can use the extension method declared inside that namespace like @Html.GetTodayDate(). Just look at the method you defined can access with the built-in class, @Html i.e. HtmlHelper. This is the basic behavior of extension methods. Now run the application and see the output like below.

Use HTML helpers using extension methods

Last one more point. The configuration settings here are more flexible. Using this you can avoid the using statement of @using MvcApplication1.Utilities. This can be achieved by putting the same namespace inside config file under the views folder. See the following screen shot.

Use HTML helpers using extension methods

Note that it's not application web.config, but specific to views. The section will be like this.

        <host factoryType="System.Web.Mvc.MvcWebRazorHostFactory, System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" />
        <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage">
                <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" />
                <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" />
                <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" />
                <add namespace="System.Web.Routing" />
                <add namespace="MvcApplication1.Utilities"/>

Enjoy the post....

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