Get Started With Azure IoT Suite Preconfigured Solutions - Part One


Azure IoT Suite preconfigured solutions combines multiple Azure IoT Services to deliver end-to-end solutions, which implements common IoT business scenarios.

Azure IoT Suite provides two types of solutions, which are-

Predictive maintenance

Anticipate maintenance needs and avoid unscheduled downtime by connecting and monitoring our devices for predictive maintenance.

Remote monitoring

Connect and monitor our devices to analyze the untapped data and improve the business outcomes by automating the processes.

In this article, we use remote monitoring preconfigured solutions.


  • Azure account.

Now, let's get started with the steps, given below.

Create a Solution

Sign in to the
Click + to create a new solution.


Now, select Remote monitoring tile.


Now, enter a solution name for our remote monitoring preconfigured solution. Select the Region and Subscription, which we want to use to provision the solution. Click Create Solution to begin the provisioning process.

Note- Azure Services, given below is used for Remote Monitoring Solutions.

  1. Azure Active Directory Application

    1. IoT Hub (S2 - Standard tier)
    2. DocumentDB Account (S1)
  2. Event Hubs (Basic throughput unit)

    1. Storage account (Standard-GRS)

  3. Stream Analytics jobs (1 streaming unit per job)

    1. Azure App Service Web App for Website (P1 - Premium: 2 small).
    2. Azure App Service Web App for Web jobs (S1 - Standard: 2 small) running 4 simulated devices by default.

This typically takes several minutes to run. 


In this article, we discussed how to create an Azure IoT Suite remote monitoring preconfigured solution. Next article will be how to work on Azure IoT Suite remote monitoring preconfigured solution. 

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