In this article, I would like to share the steps to stop the inherit permission for List from the top-level site in SharePoint Online environment.
- By default, all sites, list, and libraries are inherited with the permission from the parent site collection.
- We can assign the unique permission to site, libraries, and list as well as.
- Sometimes we may want to share particular list items, documents to particular user in our SharePoint site
If one group has read-only permission on the top-level site, but that same group's users have to add an item to particular list or library, that time we can break the inherit permission in SharePoint list and provide the new permission access to that group.
Follow the below steps to break the inherit permission for SharePoint list.
Step 1
Open your SharePoint site.
Step 2
Click on the site content which will redirect you to the "View all site content" page, as shown below.
Step 3
Then, select the list where you want to break the inherit permission.
Step 4
After opening the SharePoint list, click on the list settings option from the top ribbon bar.
Step 5
On the list settings page, select the “permission for the list” option as shown below.
Step 6
Then, click on the “Stop Inherit Permissions” option from the permission settings page, as shown below.
Step 7
After you click on the "Stop inherit permission" option, you will get the confirmation alert as shown below. Then, click “OK” button to proceed.
You are about to create unique permissions for this list. Changes made to the parent site permissions will no longer affect this list.
Step 8
Finally, you have broken the inheritance permission successfully.
Using “Grant Permission” option, we can provide the permission to new group and also, we can edit the permission level for an old group as well.
In this article, we have explored how to break the inherit permission for List from a top-level site in SharePoint online.