
Inherited Form Resize problem

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Please find the Zipped file containing the sample projects where I am tried to reproduce the problem I am facing. http://vbcity.com/forums/attachment.asp?id=18886

Or you can download the file from either of below link.


The zipped file contains one Class library project and another test Project (SampleBaseFormTest)  to test the Class library project. The class library contains a Form which I inherits in the test project.

Open the SampleBaseForm.sln and run it. Take the screen shot of the form. Now reduce the form size a bit of frmMainTest.cs. Rebuild the solution. You will find the inherited controls are disturbed on the form. This happens only when the form is resized.

Please help me to identify why this is happening and how I can overcome this problem.

Thanking you for your kind help,