1. What is Mindcracker Network (MCN)? 2. What is CSharp.com? 3. What is Quiz Manager? 4. What is Content Publisher? 5. What is Job Board? 6. What is Consulting? 7. What are Forums? 8. How Mindcracker Network
is related to .NET Heaven, CSharp.com, VB.NET Heaven, and Mindcracker web sites? 9. I learned a lot from Mindcracker
Network. How can I help Mindcracker Network to give something back? 10. What is Mindcracker Network
membership? It is free? 11. How do I register with Mindcracker
Network? 12. Why should I register
with Mindcracker Network? 13. Do you share my email
or other information with any body else? 14. How can I change my current
email? 15. I can�t register with
Mindcracker Network. 16. I have registered with Mindcracker
Network but I can�t login. 17. I have already registered with
Mindcracker Network but I am unable to download the attached documents. 18. I am an existing author
on CSharp.com, VB.NET Heaven, can I use same user ID for Mindcracker Network? 19. I forgot my password. How can
I retrieve my password? 20. I tried to retrieve my password
but it never came in my email. 21. I am already registered
on CSharp.com or VB.NET Heaven. Can I use my existing login information? 22. How can I become a Mindcracker
Network author? 23. What are advantages of
becoming a Mindcracker Network author? 24. How can I change my author
profile? 25. How can I update my articles? 26. How can I contact an
author? 27. What are Top Authors? 28. What is Mindcracker Network
newsletter? It is free? 29. Why should I subscribe
for the Mindcracker Network newsletter? 30. How do I subscribe to
the Mindcracker Network newsletter? 31. How do I unsubscribe
to the newsletter? 32. How can I ask a programming
related question? 33. How can I promote my product
on Mindcracker Network? 34. How can I get my product
reviewed by Mindcracker Network authors? 35. How can I advertise my
product with Mindcracker Network? 36. Where can I see Mindcracker
Network web site statistics? 37. How much does it cost to advertise
on Mindcracker Network? 38. What are premium sponsors? How
can I become one? 39. I am looking for a job, how
can Mindcracker Network help me? 40. I am looking for a programmer,
how can Mindcracker Network help me? 41. I want some help in my
product development, how can I find suitable programmers or consultants? 42. Does Mindcracker Network provide
consulting? If yes, how can I get more details? 43. How can I find a suitable article? 44. How I can I post comments for
an article? 45. How can I print an article? 46. How can I bookmark an
article? 47. How can I send an article
to my friend? 48. How can I rate an article? 49. How can I find similar articles? 50. How can I find all articles
by an author? 51. Who runs Mindcracker Network? 52. How do I contact Mindcracker
Network representatives? General 1. What is Mindcracker
Network? Mindcracker Network is a group of online communities for Microsoft programmers
and all of the Mindcracker Network web sites use a unified login. A Mindcracker
Network registered user can access any of the network web sites including CSharp.com,
.NET Heaven, VB.NET Heaven, and Longhorn Corner using a single user Id. 2. What is C# Corner? C# Corner was formed and maintained by professionals,
who strongly believe in sharing their piece of code with other developers. It is
a free source site for Longhorn and .NET developers. C# and .NET developers can
meet and exchange their ideas, code and expertise on the site through discussion
forums or submissions. 3. What is Quiz Manager? The Quiz Manager module allows access to various quizzes published by
our expert authors and editors. 4. What is Content Publisher? The Content Publisher allows the network visitors to submit their articles,
tutorials, source code samples, news and events online. Using the Content Publisher,
authors can format their articles the way they want. 5. What is Job Board? The Job Board allows the network visitors to post their resumes and search
the current available jobs. It also allows the companies to search the existing
resumes. 6. What is Consulting? See Consulting 7. What are Forums? Forums allow a network user to post their questions, and help other fellow
programmers by answering their questions. 8. How Mindcracker Network
is related to .NET Heaven, CSharp.com, VB.NET Heaven, and Mindcracker web sites? 9. I learned a lot from
Mindcracker Network. How can I help Mindcracker Network to give something back? There are several ways you can help Mindcracker Network. You can share
your articles; source code samples, tutorials, or tips by publishing them here.You
can also help our members by answering heir questions on our discussion forums Registration and Login 10. Is Mindcracker
Network membership free? Yes. The Mindcracker Network membership is absolutely free. 11. How do I register
with Mindcracker Network? The registration process with the Mindcracker Network is simple one-step
process and requires only a valid email. Click here to register now. 12. Why should I register
with Mindcracker Network? Our registered users get access to various resources for free. Click here to
see more details. 13. Do you share my
email or other information with any body else? No. We do not share your email or any other information with any body
else. See our privacy policy
for more details. 14. How can I change
my current email? In Edit my
Account, you can any time change your current email by changing the email
field for changing email.
15. I can�t register
with Mindcracker Network. 16. I have registered
with Mindcracker Network but I can�t login? 17. I have already
registered with Mindcracker Network but I am unable to download the attached documents. 18. I am an existing
author on CSharp.com, VB.NET Heaven, can I use same user ID for Mindcracker Network? YES. All of the Mindcracker Network users share a single unified login
Id and password. Password 19. I forgot my password.
How can I retrieve my password? You can retrieve your password by clicking here 20. I tried to retrieve
my password but it never came in my email. When you retrieve password from our Retrieve Password page, we send email immediately.
However sometimes it may take minutes depending on our and your server. If you have
not received the password, you may want to check the following -
� Your email server is up and running.
� Your Inbox is full or restricted.
� Your email address is not valid any more.
� Your email server does not have junk or spam filter. If yes, you should clear
it from
� You are using an email service that requires confirmation from the sender. In
this case, you may want to disable it from
MemberServices@dotnetheaven.com 21. I am already registered
on CSharp.com or VB.NET Heaven. Can I use my existing login information? YES. All of the Mindcracker Network sites share a single unified
login Id and password. Authors 22. How can I become
a Mindcracker Network author? To become a Mindcracker Network author you have to register yourself as an author, for which you should be a registered user in
Mindcracker Network. 23. What are advantages
of becoming a Mindcracker Network author? 24. How can I change
my author profile? You can always update your author Profile from Edit Author Info in Author link. From here author
can edit his author profile whenever he wants. 25. How can I update
my articles? You can always update your article from My Articles link in My Accounts Page. Which will show all the articles
created by that author and he can update the article any time he wants. 26. How can I contact
an author? An Author in Mindcracker Network can be contacted by Contact Author option
in AuthorProfile Summary. 27. What are Top Authors? In Mindcracker Network, the Authors
who have submitted most number of Articles are listed among the Top Authors. Newsletter 28. What is Mindcracker
Network newsletter? It is free? Mindcracker Network Newsletter is a bi-monthly newsletter contains latest
updates (articles, news, and resources) about the site. Yes, Mindcracker Network Newsletter is absolutly free.
29. Why should I subscribe
for the Mindcracker Network newsletter? Newsletter is perfect for the users who do not have time to get online
every day but would like to get updates on a weekly basis. We are a free community web site, which means as a user of the site,
you do not pay us anything. However, we have a dedicated team working on the site
who gets paid monthly. To keep this team working for us, we need some kind of revenue
generation and the newsletter is one of them. 30. How do I subscribe to the Mindcracker
Network newsletter? In registration form
there is a check box asking about Newsletter subscription. If you want
to be a subscriber for Mindcracker Network Newsletter, you just have to select that
check box. 31. How do I unsubscribe
to the newsletter? After login to the site, you will see an option to Edit your Account in the User Preferences area. You can unscubscribe to the
newsletterby unchecking the check box for newsletter subscription. Discussion Forums 32. How can I ask a
programming related question? You can ask any programming related question or help others by answering
their questions on our discussion forums here. Advertising 33. How can I promote
my product on Mindcracker Network? 34. How can I get my
product reviewed by Mindcracker Network authors? 35. How can I advertise
my product with Mindcracker Network? 36. Where can I see
Mindcracker Network web site statistics? 37. How much does it
cost to advertise on Mindcracker Network? 38. What are premium
sponsors? How can I become one? Jobs and Consulting 39. I am looking for
a job, how can Mindcracker Network help me? 40. I am looking for
a programmer, how can Mindcracker Network help me? 41. I want some
help in my product development, how can I find suitable programmers or consultants? 42. Does Mindcracker
Network provide consulting? If yes, how can I get more details? Articles 43. How can I find
a suitable article? In Mindcracker Network there is search option for searching Articles.
If you have some particular criteria, there is also Advance Search option for searching Articles. With these Search options
you can any time find a suitable article as per your need. 44. How can I post
comments for an article? For every Article in the Mindcracker Network, there is a section Read/Post
Comments, in the bottom. Here you can post comments for an Article. We can reach
here by Read/Post Comments in the Article's top and bottom tool bar. For commenting
an Article you should be a registered user in Mindcracker Network. 45. How can I print
an article? For printing an Article in the Mindcracker Network, there is a image
button in the Article's top and bottom toolbar. This will create a printable version
of the article, from where article can be printed with print button in the right
46. How can I bookmark
an article? For bookmark an Article in the Mindcracker Network, there is a image
button in the Article's top and bottom toolbar. This will save the article in your
bookmark. For bookmark an article you should be a registered user in Mindcracker
Network. 47. How can I send
an article to my friend? For sending an Article to my friend in the Mindcracker Network,
there is a image button in the Article's top and bottom toolbar. This will send
an email to your friend with link of the article. For send an Article to my friend
you should be a registered user in Mindcracker Network. 48. How can I rate
an article? For rating an Article in the Mindcracker Network, there is a image button
in the Article's top and bottom toolbar. This will rate the article with the rating
provided by the user. For rate an article you should be a registered user in
Mindcracker Network. 49. How can I find
similar articles? For finding similar Articles in the Mindcracker Network, there is
a image button in the Article's top and bottom toolbar. This will show the list
of all the similar articles related to selected article. 50. How can I find
all articles by an author? For finding all the articles in the Mindcracker Network, there
is a image button in the Article's top and bottom toolbar. This will show the list
of all the Articles of the selected Author. About 51.Who runs Mindcracker
Network? About Us 52. How do I contact
Mindcracker Network representatives? contact us |