Supporting Mobile Browsers with CSS3 Media Queries

Supporting Mobile Browsers with CSS3 Media Queries

Scott talks about mobile browser support with CSS3 Media queries and progressive enhancement. 

Here is some blurbs from his blog"

My team is doing a lot of work on Mobile lately, not just with things like jQuery Mobile and what that means not just for ASP.NET but the mobile web in general. We've also worked with 51Degrees and they've even created a NuGet package that can help you tailor your site to any device. You'll hear more about Mobile in ASP.NET from Steve soon and I'll be sharing some ideas in a few upcoming conferences.

I originally enabled this blog for mobile browsing this same week in 2006. That's 5 years ago, when mobile was really just getting started. Back then, I had a separate mobile view that was stripped down and emitted totally different markup based on user-agent sniffing. This was pretty innovative for the time, a half decade ago. There's a number of things in ASP.NET 2 (what this blog runs on) that do adaptive markup. However, more modern techniques use a combination of detecting capabilities on the server side with feature detection on the client. We query the browser with JavaScript: Do you support Geo-Location natively? No? How about using this shim JavaScript library?

Read details here