this keyword in C#

The this keyword refers to the current instance of the class and is also used as a modifier of the first parameter of an extension method.

In this example, this is used to qualify the Employee class members, name and alias, which are hidden by similar names. It is also used to pass an object to the method CalcTax, which belongs to another class.

    private string name;

    private string alias;

    private decimal salary = 3000.00m;


    // Constructor:

    public Employee(string name, string alias)


        // Use this to qualify the fields, name and alias: = name;

        this.alias = alias;


    // Printing method:

    public void printEmployee()


        Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}\nAlias: {1}", name, alias);

        // Passing the object to the CalcTax method by using this:

        Console.WriteLine("Taxes: {0:C}", Tax.CalcTax(this));



    public decimal Salary


        get { return salary; }




class Tax


    public static decimal CalcTax(Employee E)


        return 0.08m * E.Salary;




class MainClass


    static void Main()


        // Create objects:

        Employee E1 = new Employee("Mingda Pan", "mpan");


        // Display results:

