Resources in WPF

Resources property of Application class in WPF gets or sets a collection of application-scope resources such as styles and brushes. By setting Resources property on application level, you make these resources available to the entire application.

For example, this code snippet in Listing 1 adds a SolidColorBrush resource to the Application.

<Application x:Class="WPFSample.App"







        <SolidColorBrush x:Key="YellowSolidBrush" Color="Yellow"></SolidColorBrush>



Listing 1

Now I can access this resource on any Window or page of the application. For example, if I have a TextBlock in a Window, I can set Background property of this TextBlock to the SolidColorBrush defined in the Application by using StaticResource as you can see from Listing 2.

<TextBlock Background="{StaticResource YellowSolidBrush}" >Main Window</TextBlock>

Listing 2