By Deployment, it is clear that what it has to do. Deploy means
to move into a position of readiness and availability.
Deployment is a process of installing application into server context.
In this article you
learn how to deploy(2-Tier) Visual Studio LuightSwitch Application.
What is
It has 2 parts i.e.
client (front end) and database (back end). Basically window application
developed in this technology. The architecture of 2-Tier are as follows:
Deploy(2-Tier) LightSwitch Application Step by Step
of all we will make any application in Visual Studio LightSwitch. For make the
application in Visual Studio LightSwitch, Please refer this link
Step 1: Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager->Click Yes (user access
Step 2: Click SQL
Server Services->Right click on SQL Server Browser->Properties.
Step 3: Service->Select
Start Mode->Manual->Click Log On->Apply->Start->Ok.
Step 4: Click on SQL
Server Network Configuration->Click on Protocol for SQLExpress.
Step 5: Right click on
Named Pipes->Click Enable->Ok.
Step 6: Click on
SQL Native Client Configuration->Client protocols->SQL Services->SQL Server
Step 7: Open SQL
Server->Right click on SQL Server name->Properties.
Step 8: Click
security->Click SQL Server and Windows authentication->Ok.
Step 9: Open
LightSwitch Application->Click Properties->Click application type->Publish.
Step 10: Click Client
Configuration->Click Desktop->Next->Click Local->Next->Write the path (where do
you want the application files to be replaced)->Next.
Step 11: Write the
connection string->Create Database Login->Write Login Name and
Step 12: Click Yes
radio button->Write User name->Next->Next->Next->Publish.
Step 13: Now open the
path where application files to be replaced->Double click on setup.exe->Click
Install (LightSwitch Application installed in your PC.)
Now you can open the your
LightSwitch Application on double click from start menu.
Using this article one can
easily understand, how to deploy(2-Tier) Visual Studio LightSwitch Application.
Basically in 2-Tier architecture we develop window applications.