Simple Login Form in Web API


This article shows how to create a simple login form in the ASP.NET Web API.

The following is the procedure for creating a login form in the Web API.

Step 1

First create a Web API application as in the following:

  • Start Visual Studio 2012.
  • From the start window select "New Project".
  • From the new project window select "Installed" -> "Visual C#" -> "Web".
  • Select "ASP.NET MVC4 Web Application" and click the "Ok" button.


  • From the "MVC4 Project" window select "Web API".


  • Click the "OK" button.

Step 2

Add a Model class.

  • In the "Solution Explorer".
  • Right-click on the "Model" folder.
  • Select "Add" -> "class".
  • From the Add new item window select "Installed" -> "Visual C#".


  • Select "Class" and click on the "Add" button.

Now add the following code:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;


namespace MvcApplication6.Models


    public class LoginModel


        public string UserName { get; set; }

        public string UserPassword { get; set; }



Step 3

Now in the controller we add the following code:

  • In the "Solution Explorer".
  • Expand "Controller" folder.
  • Select the "HomeController".


Add the following code:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Mvc;

using MvcApplication6.Models;

namespace MvcApplication6.Controllers


    public class HomeController : Controller


        public ActionResult Index()


            LoginModel obj = new LoginModel();

            return View(obj);



        public ActionResult Index(LoginModel objuserlogin)


            var display = Userloginvalues().Where(m => m.UserName == objuserlogin.UserName && m.UserPassword == objuserlogin.UserPassword).FirstOrDefault();

            if (display != null)


                ViewBag.Status = "CORRECT UserNAme and Password";




                ViewBag.Status = "INCORRECT UserName or Password";


            return View(objuserlogin);


        public List<LoginModel> Userloginvalues()


            List<LoginModel> objModel = new List<LoginModel>();

            objModel.Add(new LoginModel { UserName="user1",UserPassword="password1"});

            objModel.Add(new LoginModel { UserName = "user2", UserPassword = "password2" });

            objModel.Add(new LoginModel { UserName = "user3", UserPassword = "password3" });

            objModel.Add(new LoginModel { UserName = "user4", UserPassword = "password4" });

            objModel.Add(new LoginModel { UserName = "user5", UserPassword = "password5" });

            return objModel;




 In the code above is the list of UserNames and Passwords. These are validated for the login.

 Step 4

In  the View write the following code:

  • In the "Solution Explorer".
  • Expand the "Views" folder.
  • Select "Home" -> "Index.cshtml".


Add the following code:

@model MvcApplication6.Models.LoginModel


    ViewBag.Title = "Index";


<script language="javascript">

    function display() {

        if ($("#txtusername").attr("value") == "")


            alert("Please Enter your UserName.");

            return false;

        } else if ($("#txtuserpassword").attr("value") == "") {

            alert("Please enter UserPassword.");

            return false;


        alert("Login Successfully");

        return true;



<h3>Simple We API Login Form </h3>

@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home"))


<table width="40%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="5">


<td colspan="2" style="color:#f00;font-size:larger">@ViewBag.Status</td>



         <td align="right">User Name :</td>

         <td>@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.UserName, new {@style="width:200px",@id="txtusername" })</td>


 <td align="right">User Password :</td>

         <td>@Html.PasswordFor(m => m.UserPassword, new {@style="width:200px",@id="txtuserpassword" })</td>



        <td colspan="2">

          <input type="submit" value="Login" title="login" onclick=" display();"/>





Step 5

Execute the application. The output will be:


Enter the UserName and UserPassword declared in the controller. The output will be:


Now leavt the UserName TextBox empty; then its output looks as:



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