Concatenation Operation in QlikView Application: Part 2

This article describes the "Concatenate Operator" in QlikView using an Excel file.

Use the following procedure to create a sample of Concatenation in QlikView.

Step 1: Open the QlikView application

In the first step you need to open the QlikView application then go to File -> New then this window will be opened.

After clicking New option

Step 2: Open Edit Script

The second step is to open the edit script window from File -> Edit Script.

window of edit script

Then this window will be opened.


Step 3: Click on table files

The next step is to click on the table files you need to open, data files like Excel or CSV. These files contain data.

table file

Now open a table file and click on the Open button.


Step 4: File wizard type

Then this window will be opened. Here you can see your table file table and click on the Finish button.


Step 5: Code of edit script

Now, in the edit script web file upload successfully and reload it.


Step 6: Save file

The next step is to save our QlikView file.


Step 7: Sheet property window

The sheet property window will be opened. In this window you add fields that you want to display as a list box and click on the OK button.


Step 8: Select a table

The next step is select a table for displaying table field in a table. Then go to Layout -> New Sheet Object -> Table Box.


Then this window will be opened. Here add all fields in the table then click on the Ok button.

Now you will see this output.


Step 9: Do the same in the following steps, again open another Excel file, in other words Emp1 file.

After opening the file it will show in the edit script like this.

second file

Step 10: Perform Concatenate operation

The next step is to open the edit script again and do a Concatenate operation in the edit script and reload it.


  1. Table:  
  2. LOAD Name,   
  3.      Post,   
  4.      Gender,   
  5.      City,   
  6.      EmpId  
  7. FROM  
  8. [\\MCNSERVER2\UserProfiles\ptiwari\Desktop\Emp file.xls]  
  9. (biff, embedded labels, table is Sheet1$);  
  11. Concatenate(Table)  
  13. LOAD Name,   
  14.      Post,   
  15.      Gender,   
  16.      City,   
  17.      EmpId  
  18. FROM  
  19. [\\MCNSERVER2\UserProfiles\ptiwari\Desktop\Emp1 file.xls]  
  20. (biff, embedded labels, table is Sheet1$);  


Step 11: Sheet property window

The sheet property window will be opened. In this window you add fields that you want to display as a list box and click on the OK button.


Then you will see that concatenation operation has added both table data in one table.



This article described how to do a concatenation operation in QlikView using an Excel file. This article is very helpful when you are working with table data.

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