Creating List Box in QlikView


This article explains how to create a list box in a QlikView.

A list box can be used to select one or more items and data from a table and a list contained within a static. A list box has multiple lines of text boxes. A list box contains a simple list of items for the user to use. A list box works as a radio button that allows the user to select only one choice/data at a time from a set of data.

In a previous article I discussed how to create a table box in a QlikView application.

 Create a table box in QlikView

Step 1: Select list box

The next step is select list box.

list box


Suppose in this example I have a table and select some data so there is a need to create a list box.

Step 2: Select field for list box

Then, this window will be opened and here we select a field for the list box and click on the OK button.

select field

In this example, here I select the name field for the list box.

Step 3: Now you will see a list box created.

main window

Suppose you select some data from the list box, then it will show only the selected data.

selected data

Step 4: Go to the properties of the list box

The next step is to go to the properties of the list box and set the properties.


Step 5: Select read only in the general window

Read only: In the general window, if you select the read only option then in the list box no data is selected and click on the OK button.

read only

Step 6: Select hide excluded in the general window

Now again go to the properties of the list box.

Hide excluded:
In the general window, if you select the hide excluded option then in the list box only the selected data will be shown and click on the OK button.


Then it will be shown.


Step 7: Select shows alternatives in the general window

Show alternatives: In the general window, if you select show alternatives then a list box show alternatives after selecting data and click on the OK button.


Then it will be shown.


As follows you set many properties of the list box depending on your choice.


This article described how to create a list box in QlikView and how to set the properties of the list box. It also provides a basic introduction to list boxes.

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