Threading in Java


Until now, the programs we have discussed so far were sequential ones, i.e. each of the them has a beginning, an execution sequence, and an end. While the program is being executed, at any point of time, there is a single line of execution. One thing that you must note that a thread in itself is not a program, as it cannot run on its own. However it can be embedded with any other program.
A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. There are many definition of thread some of the A thread is a lightweight process, a thread is a basic processing unit to which an operating system allocates processor time and more than one thread can be executing code inside a process.

States of thread- A thread has one of the following States.
New-This is a state when a thread is not started. But the thread is created.

1-Runnable- This is the execution state of the thread.

2-Blocked- This is the state when a thread is waiting for a lock to access an object.

3-Waiting-In this state a thread is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform an action.

4-Timed__Waiting. A state in which a thread is waiting for up to a specified period of time for another thread to perform an action.

5-Not Runnable- after Runnable states these three states are assumed to be in a not Runnable state. These three states are waiting, Timed_waiting and Terminated.

6-Terminated- In this state the thread is dead.

Life Cycle of  a thread



Crating a thread- There are two ways for creating a thread.

Method-1 : By extend the Thread class of java.lang package.

class MyThread extends Thread

Override the run( ) Method-
The run( ) method has to be Overridden by writing codes required for the thread. The thread behaves as per this code segment.

public void run()

Example- In this Example we are going to create a thread with the help of the extends Thread class.

class MyThread extends Thread
    int i;
    MyThread(int i)
    public void run() //this method overrid from thread class
         System.out.println("abhishek kumar dubey:"+i++);
            Thread.sleep(1500);   // use for break 1500 mili second
          catch(InterruptedException e)
                 if (i==15 ) // use for terminate the infinite loop
 public class TestThread
     public static void main(String []args)
         MyThread m1=new MyThread(1);
              m1.start();     // for start thread 



Method :2
By Implements Runnable Interface.

Note- If you make a thread by using Runnable Interface then it must override the run() method.

public MyThread implements Runnable

public void run()



import java.lang.*;
class Runner1 implements Runnable
  int i;
    public void run()      //this method overrid from Runnable interface must be,fuctionality as per reqairements 
             if (i==10)
class Runner2 implements Runnable
    int i;
    public void run()
           if (i==10)
 public class ThreadDemo
      public static void main(String []args)
       Runner1 r=new Runner1();
         Thread t=new Thread(r);  // I M P
 /*from here run() method call which is override in Runner class*/  
            t.start();           // for start thread 4 execution
           Runner2 r1=new Runner2();
              Thread t1=new Thread(r1);
 /*from here run() method call which is override in Runner class*/  




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