Enterprise Metadata and Keyword Settings in SharePoint 2013 and Office 365

Hello Readers.

As we are all aware of, metadata helps us a lot in the search functionality where using these keywords we can have some quick search and classification of our documents.

The following is how to connect a keyword to the search metadata:

  • Go to Library Settings
  • Click on the Enterprise Metadata and Keyword Settings
  • You'll find the screenshot below.

  • Here is a detailed description as it states in the screenshot.
Add Enterprise Keywords

An enterprise keywords column allows users to enter one or more text values that will be shared with other users and applications to allow for ease of search and filtering, as well as metadata consistency and reuse.

Adding an Enterprise Keywords column also provides synchronization between existing legacy keyword fields and the managed metadata infrastructure. (Document tags will be copied into the Enterprise Keywords on upload.)

How it works
  • Click on Yes as Add an Enterprise Keywords column to this list and enable Keyword synchronization.
  • It will create a column named Enterprise Keywords.

  • Go back to your respective Document Library.
  • Try uploading a new document, once the upload is over you will see the following dialog box to fill in.

  • Here along with the name and title default columns of a Document Library, you will see a column, Enterprise Keywords.
  • So when you are uploading a document you can assign a keyword to it and so when you search that file it will be quickly shown with your keywords.
  • For example, if it is a sales document then assign a keyword as sales and search for sales, you will have your document.
Isn't it amazing, a keyword of your own in the search metadata. Keep learning! Cheers!

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