How to Create a Search Web Part in SharePoint 2010 Using Visual Studio

Hello Everyone.

SharePoint 2010 has existed for a long time but there is still no end to the knowledge pertaining to it. So yes we will see how to create a Search Web Part in SharePoint 2010 using Visual Studio.

This is always a requirement in all our projects since users always want a certain search level with a single list rather than the entire site and it should filter respect to their fields. So for these requirements here is a Search Web part that can be easily modified depending on the user's demand.

Let's go for it.

Open your site and go to your list, like for me I have an Employee list with the following details as in the screenshot.

Employee list

  • Now Open Visual Studio.
  • Create a new project.
  • Select Visual Web Part from the 2010 templates.
  • Connect your site with the webpart.
  • Once you click Ok you will see your project created as in the image below:

    your project created

  • Click on VisualWebpart1UserControl.ascx.
  • Drag and drop the following label and text box as in the following screen:

    Drag and drop

  • Build it.
  • Now go to VisualWebPart1.cs.
  • In your solution add the following reference.

    1. Microsoft.SharePoint
    2. Microsoft.SharePoint.Client

  • Add the references as in the following to your cs page.
    1. using System;  
    2. using System.Web.UI;  
    3. using System.Web.UI.WebControls;  
    4. using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;  
    5. using System.Data;  
    6. using Microsoft.SharePoint;  
    7. using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;  
  • Now on the Search Button click paste the following code and I will explain what it is doing.

    1. protected void searchbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)  
    2. {  
    3.    //Initaily here I am clearing the grid view, if you don’t do it, results will keep on coming   
    4.    GridView1.Columns.Clear();  
    6.    // Calling My Web  
    7.    SPWeb myweb = SPContext.Current.Web;  
    8.    SPQuery qry = new SPQuery();  
    10.    //Creating my Query as How we require for me I have two columns for data.  
    11.    qry.Query = "<Where><Or><Eq><FieldRef Name='Name' /><Value Type='Text'>"+TextBox1.Text+"</Value></Eq>   <Eq>   <FieldRef Name='Company' /><Value Type='Text'>"+ TextBox2.Text+"</Value></Eq></Or></Where>";  
    12.    SPList lst = myweb.Lists["Employee"];  
    13.    SPListItemCollection lstcol = lst.GetItems(qry);  
    15.    //Bind it to the Data Table  
    16.    DataTable dt = new DataTable();  
    17.    dt.Columns.Add("Name"typeof(string));  
    18.    dt.Columns.Add("Company"typeof(string));  
    20.    // Check whether it does not have null values  
    21.    if (lstcol.Count > 0)  
    22.    {  
    23.       foreach (SPListItem item in lstcol)  
    24.       {  
    25.          DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();  
    26.          dr["Name"] = item["Name"] != null ? item["Name"].ToString() : ""; ;  
    27.          dr["Company"]= item["Company"] != null? item["Company"].ToString(): " ";  
    28.          dt.Rows.Add(dr);  
    29.       }  
    30.    }  
    31.    else Label3.Text = "There are no items to display.";  
    32.    {
    34.       //Bind it to the Data View  
    35.       BoundField bf = new BoundField();  
    36.       bf.DataField = "Name";  
    37.       bf.HeaderText = "Name";  
    38.       GridView1.Columns.Add(bf);  
    39.       bf = new BoundField();  
    40.       bf.DataField = "Company";  
    41.       bf.HeaderText = "Company";  
    42.       GridView1.Columns.Add(bf);  
    44.       GridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;  
    45.       GridView1.DataSource = dt;  
    46.       GridView1.DataBind();   
    48.    }  
    49. }  
  • Rebuild the solution.
  • Deploy.
  • Open your site and create a Page where you want this web part.
  • Edit the page.
  • Click on Add a Web part.
  • Go to Custom Category, you will find your web part.
  • Add it.
  • You will see your web part on the screen.

  • Type your values and click on Search.

    click on Search
  • Here it's your result being displayed on a grid view.
Here was your search web part, keep learning.


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