Convert JSON Data Into Data Grid Columns

In this post we will see how to show our JSON data in a client side grid. Here we are going to use jquery.columns grid, which is light weight and pretty easy to use. For the demo purpose we will create a JSON dynamically in client side and format it as a grid. I hope you will like this.

Using the code

First of all you need to download the needed files from here.

Then add reference to your page.

  1. <link href="css/classic.css" rel="stylesheet" />  
  2. <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>  
  3. <script src="js/jquery.columns-1.0.min.js"></script>  

Creating a JSON dynamically

You can create a JSON array as follows.

  1. var myData = new Array();  
  2. var firstNames = ["Andrew""Nancy""Shelley""Regina""Yoshi""Antoni""Mayumi""Ian""Peter""Lars""Petra""Martin""Sven""Elio""Beate""Cheryl""Michael""Guylene"];  
  3. var lastNames = ["Fuller""Davolio""Burke""Murphy""Nagase""Saavedra""Ohno""Devling""Wilson""Peterson""Winkler""Bein""Petersen""Rossi""Vileid""Saylor""Bjorn""Nodier"];  
  4. var productNames = ["Black Tea""Green Tea""Caffe Espresso""Doubleshot Espresso""Caffe Latte""White Chocolate Mocha""Cramel Latte""Caffe Americano""Cappuccino""Espresso Truffle""Espresso con Panna""Peppermint Mocha Twist"];  
  5. var priceValues = ["2.25""1.5""3.0""3.3""4.5""3.6""3.8""2.5""5.0""1.75""3.25""4.0"];  
  7. function createData(num)  
  8. {  
  9.     myData = [];  
  10.     for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)  
  11.     {  
  12.         var row = {};  
  13.         var productindex = Math.floor(Math.random() * productNames.length);  
  14.         var price = parseFloat(priceValues[productindex]);  
  15.         var quantity = 1 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10);  
  16.         row["firstname"] = firstNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * firstNames.length)];  
  17.         row["lastname"] = lastNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * lastNames.length)];  
  18.         row["productname"] = productNames[productindex];  
  19.         row["price"] = price;  
  20.         row["quantity"] = quantity;  
  21.         row["total"] = price * quantity;  
  22.         myData[i] = row;  
  23.     }  
  24. }  

Here the function createData will create a JSON array.

Next we need to create a table and give this array as a data source to the grid.

  1. <table id="dataGrid" class="display" width="100%"></table>  
  2. $(function ()  
  3.   {   
  4.   createData(25); $('#dataGrid').columns  
  5.   ({   
  6.     data: myData  
  7.   });   
  8. });  

Pretty simple, right?

Complete code

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>  
  2. <html xmlns="">  
  4. <head>  
  5.     <title>Convert JSON Data Into Data Grid Columns</title>  
  6.     <link href="css/classic.css" rel="stylesheet" />  
  7.     <script src="js/jquery.min.js"></script>  
  8.     <script src="js/jquery.columns-1.0.min.js"></script>  
  9.     <script>  
  10.         var myData = new Array();  
  11.         var firstNames = ["Andrew""Nancy""Shelley""Regina""Yoshi""Antoni""Mayumi""Ian""Peter""Lars""Petra""Martin""Sven""Elio""Beate""Cheryl""Michael""Guylene"];  
  12.         var lastNames = ["Fuller""Davolio""Burke""Murphy""Nagase""Saavedra""Ohno""Devling""Wilson""Peterson""Winkler""Bein""Petersen""Rossi""Vileid""Saylor""Bjorn""Nodier"];  
  13.         var productNames = ["Black Tea""Green Tea""Caffe Espresso""Doubleshot Espresso""Caffe Latte""White Chocolate Mocha""Cramel Latte""Caffe Americano""Cappuccino""Espresso Truffle""Espresso con Panna""Peppermint Mocha Twist"];  
  14.         var priceValues = ["2.25""1.5""3.0""3.3""4.5""3.6""3.8""2.5""5.0""1.75""3.25""4.0"];  
  15.         $(function()  
  16.           {  
  17.             createData(25);  
  18.             $('#dataGrid').columns(  
  19.               {  
  20.                 data: myData  
  21.             });  
  22.         });  
  24.         function createData(num)   
  25.         {  
  26.             myData = [];  
  27.             for (var i = 0; i < num; i++)  
  28.             {  
  29.                 var row = {};  
  30.                 var productindex = Math.floor(Math.random() * productNames.length);  
  31.                 var price = parseFloat(priceValues[productindex]);  
  32.                 var quantity = 1 + Math.round(Math.random() * 10);  
  33.                 row["firstname"] = firstNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * firstNames.length)];  
  34.                 row["lastname"] = lastNames[Math.floor(Math.random() * lastNames.length)];  
  35.                 row["productname"] = productNames[productindex];  
  36.                 row["price"] = price;  
  37.                 row["quantity"] = quantity;  
  38.                 row["total"] = price * quantity;  
  39.                 myData[i] = row;  
  40.             }  
  41.         }  
  42.     </script>  
  43. </head>  
  45. <body>  
  46.     <table id="dataGrid" class="display" width="100%"></table>  
  47. </body>  
  49. </html>  


If everything goes fine, you can see the following  as an output in your page.

JSON Data Into Data Grid

JSON Data Into Data Grid

Please see this article in my blog here.


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