Windows 10 is coming on the 29th July 2015. Microsoft introduced many new features in Windows 10. The Start menu is back, the new browser Microsoft Edge is introduced that was also known as Project Spartan, Cortana and many more features. As we know, for any device and software, maintenance is a primary requirement. Because if we have proper maintenance then it will work faster and smoother. So in this article we will learn about automatic maintenance in Windows 10.
In Windows 10 we have many options for increasing system performance. We use the system utilities for the maintenance. There are many functions in the system utilities, like Firewalls, Windows Update, virus protection, spyware and unwanted software protection, internet security settings, a scan system and many more. All these settings are done manually by you but it is not easy to do them daily. So there is also an option for automatic maintenance. This feature maintains your system automatically when you are not attending your system. So now I will explain how to use the automatic maintenance in Windows 10 in a step-by-step approach.
Step 1
Go the the Start menu and click on the Control Panel. One thing is noticeable here, that your Control Panel will be in Icon View mode. For that just click on the View by the link that is given at the corner when you open the Control Panel.
Figure 1: Change Category of Control Panel
Step 2
When you switch the Control Panel to icon mode you will see the Control Panel as in the following image. Here find the option Security and maintenance.
Figure 2: Security and Maintenance
When you click on Security and Maintenance, you will get a new window as in the following.
Figure 3: Maintenance
Now explore the Maintenance part. Here you can see many options. Go to the Automatic Setting Option and click on the change maintenance settings.
Figure 4: Maintenance settings
Step 3
Now after clicking on the Change Maintenance setting, you will get a new window. In this window you can choose the time for daily Automatic Maintenance. Here a check box is visible, if we do check it, then our system will wake up at the scheduled time. Now, click on OK to continue.
Figure 5: Scheduled Maintenance
Here I have selected the time 8.00 AM. Now every day at 8.00 AM Automatic Maintenance for the system will run. We can also stop this Automatic Maintenance. When we open the system we can see that the maintenance is in progress. Here you can also see a link for stopping the maintenance. Just click on it to stop the maintenance.
Figure 6: Stop Maintenance
So this is the overall view to set up an Automatic Maintenance process in Windows 10 at a scheduled time. Accordingly, this is a good thing for maintaining the system performance. I hope this article will help you to make the settings for Automatic Maintenance in Windows 10.