It formats a number as a currency. To describe a currency we need some currency symbols, And to design that type of symbols we need unicode or Hexa-Decimal value of that symbol. Currency HTML Codes, this website have all the unicode and Hexa-Decimal currency symbols.
How to use Currency Filter in AngularJS
There are two ways by which, we can use Currency Filter.
Default - If we did not provide any currency symbol then by default Dollar-Sign will be use we can use it like as follows:
<!-- by default -->
Default Currency: {{amount | currency}}
User Defined - To use different type of currency symbol we have to define own symbol by using the unicode or Hexa-Decimal code of that Currency.
E.g. - For Example If we want to define Indian Currency Symbol then we have to use (Unicode-value) or (Hexa-Decimal value.
Indian Currency: {{amount | currency:" 8377"}}
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app>
<script src="angular.min.js"></script>
<input type="number" ng-model="amount">
Default currency($): {{amount | currency}}<br>
Indian Currency: {{amount | currency:" 8377"}}</h1>
</html> Output
![Currency Filter]()