Binding in JavaScript

JavaScript sets a value of the execution context, "this", during execution.

Use cases/mistakes

For an example, we use a Menu constructor, that should accept an element and create a menu on it’s base as in the following:

function Menu(elem) {

        // ...


// Usage

var elem = document.getElementById('Abhijeet'// a DOM element

var menu = new Menu(elem)

Set Timeout

When you setup setTimeout, you may want it to reference the object:

function Mymenu(elem) {

    setTimeout(function () {

         alert(this// window, not menu!

    }, 1000)


new Mymenu(document.createElement('div'))

But this references the window, because setTimeout always executes the function in the window context.

Private method / local function

A local function is often used as a private method.

A simple call to privateMethod() uses "this" as the window.

function Mymenu(elem) {

    function privateMethod() {

         alert(this// window, not menu!



    // ... call private method



new Mymenu(document.createElement('div'))

Binding with "var abhi = this".

First, we can store a reference to "this" in the closure.

In the following example, "this" is copied to a new variable "abhi". This variable is then used instead of "this".

function Mymenu(elem) {

    var abhi = this

    setTimeout(function () {

        alert(abhi) // object! (menu)

    }, 1000)


new Mymenu(document.createElement('div'))

Early binding

We could use a helper function, "bind", that forces this.

The following is an example of such a function. It accepts a function "func" and returns a wrapper that calls "func" withthis = "fixThis".

For example:

function bind(func, fixThis) {

       return function () {

       return func.apply(fixThis, arguments)




Late binding

Late binding is a variation of bind with a slightly different behavior.

In short, it means “binding on call time”, instead of “immediate binding”.

Late Binding in Action

To use late binding, we use "bindLate" instead of "bind".

For example:





        function bindLate(funcName, fixThis) { // instead of bind

            return function () {

                return fixThis[funcName].apply(fixThis, arguments)




        function Mymenu(elem) {

            this.Hello = function () { alert('Mymenu') }

            elem.onclick = bindLate('Hello'this)


        function BigMenu(elem) {

            Mymenu.apply(this, arguments)

            this.Hello = function () { alert('BigMenu') }


        new BigMenu(document.body)


    Click here. I'm a BigMenu! 



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