Disable Windows CLI & Command Prompt Script Processing In Windows 8


When a GUI interface of Microsoft Windows was not introduced the CLI & Command Prompt was the only way to interact with a computer. Hence CLI & Command Prompt is the most important scenario from a Windows point of view. The Command Prompt lets us use switches to specify the behavior of the task that we want to perform and by giving the commands to the PC we can perform various functions. It is an important fact that until now some low-level system utilities can only be accessed using the Command Prompt but if your computer is prone to falling into the hands of other people you can disable the Command Prompt.

In this article we will learn how to permanently disable the Windows 8 Command Prompt for all account holders as well as command prompt script processing in Windows 8.

Steps to Disable CLI & Command Prompt Script Processing In Windows 8

NOTE - Before starting the process we must be logged in as Administrator or have required administrative rights to open and change local policies.

Step 1 

First we must move on the start window screen in Windows 8.

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Step 2

Then move the cursor on bottom-right of the window screen and click the search box which is helpful to search in Windows 8.

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Step 3

Then in the search box type "gpedit.msc" and click on Apps from the right sidebar then click gpedit.msc in the main window.

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Step 4

Once the Local Group Policy is opened then use the following:

User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System

policy-editor-in-windows 8.jpg

Step 5

Then under System just double-click on Prevent Access To the Command Prompt .

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Step 6

When you click on policy setting a dialog box named with Prevent Access To the Command Prompt will appear.

prevent-command-prompt-in-windows 8.jpg

Step 7

Now at the top there are Not Configured, Enabled and Disabled options available. Just select Enabled from the list and click OK to Prevent Access to the Command Prompt.

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Step 8

If you want to also disable the Command Prompt Script Processing, select Yes from the drop down menu present under the Options section in the left side of the dialog box.

Windows 8-Prevent-Access-to-Command-Prompt.jpg

Step 9

Now close the Local Group Policy Editor and bring up the Windows Run console using Win+R hotkey combination.

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Step 10

Then Just type gpupdate /force and hit Enter to forcibly update the local group policy.

run-dialogbox-in-windows 8.jpg

Once the policy settings are updated it will prevent all users from accessing the command prompt.

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