Visual Studio 11 With .Net Framework 4.5

I just downloaded Visual Studio 11 to my Laptop. Wow. It's cool.

Downloaded it from the Microsoft Site:

It's a 1 MB exe which you can download and run. This would start the download. It's pretty easy though.

Once you have downloaded, during the installation, you will be asked to reboot the system. And continue with the installation.

Once the installation is complete you can launch the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview as shown below. The first thing I noticed is that this launches much faster than Visual Studio 2010. At least it does so in my machine.

Visual Studio 11 with .Net Framework 4.5

Let's check out what features Visual Studio 11 offers us.

Visual Studio 11 includes an elegant Project or File Search Option which makes browsing through a project much easier and fun.

Visual Studio 11 with .Net Framework 4.5

Simply type the project or file name in the TextBox to search.

Visual Studio 11 with .Net Framework 4.5

To open the Project Information.

Visual Studio 11 with .Net Framework 4.5

That project alone opens up. Cool guys, I was looking forward to this feature. This will save me time.

Visual Studio 11 with .Net Framework 4.5

We are back to our usual position then as shown below:

Visual Studio 11 with .Net Framework 4.5

There is a home Button provided as well.

Visual Studio 11 with .Net Framework 4.5

The next feature is browsing within the application. All the types, methods and classes are available to us as shown below. Double-click on the type and easily browse to where you want to.

This will prove to be major time-saver. And also help break down complex projects. This is probably the best feature.


A quick launch is included as well as shown below:


Simply typing into the Quick Launch Toolbox brings to us all the options avialable.

This appears very smooth and is a cool feature as well.


We checked out some cool UI features of Visual Studio 11. In our next article we will dig into Visual Studio and .NET Framework 4.5.

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