Use Params Keyword in C#


Can you write a method that does not care about arguments. I mean, can you pass an arbitrary number of arguments in that method? I suggest a C# keyword that does provide this type of facility, named "Params".

The "Params" keyword allows passing a variable number arguments to a function.

What does "Params" do?

Using "Params", the arguments passed to a method are changed by the compiler to elements in a temporary array, and this array is then used to retrieve the method. To better clarify my point; I am try to explain an example in my thoughts about "Params".

Suppose we have a "totalsal()" function that calculates the total salary of all the employees, no matter how many employee's salarys are passed.

Why we use "Params"

To explain this point, I will also use another example.

I think you have already heard of the string class. The concat method, in case you have not heard of it, I will explain in one line, "this is used to concatenate two or more strings into one".

For example

string a ="abc";
string b="xyz";

string.Concat (a,b);

This method does not care how many string agreements are passed for concatenation.

For the purposes of the example above, you can say you are designing a library for other programmers to widely use.


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Threading.Tasks;


namespace Params


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)



            ADDParameters(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);


           ADDParameters1("How", " are", " you", " ?");



        //for interger calculation

      public static void ADDParameters(params int[] arguemnts)


            int add=0;

            foreach (int argu in arguemnts)


                add += argu;




      public static void ADDParameters1(params string[] arguemnts)


          string add="";

          foreach (string argu in arguemnts)


              add += argu;








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