How to Add a Resource Record to a Zone Using Windows Interface


In this article you will learn how to add a Resource Record to a Zone using the Windows interface in Windows Server 2012.

Before going through this article ensure that DNS is installed in your system, otherwise you will be unable to add a resource to a Zone, in that case the Zone will also be unavailable to you.

Step 1

First of all open the Administrative Tools from the Start Menu.

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Now in the Administrative Tools many options will be available, one of them will be DNS, double-click on this option to open it.

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Step 2

The DNS Manager Wizard will be opened, here on the left hand side the DNS Server will be available.

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Expand the server name under the DNS.

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Step 3

Under the Server Name two Zones will be available, one will be Forward Lookup Zone and the second will be Backward Lookup Zone. Expand the Zone you want to work with.

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Now you will see a few Zones available under them is Forward Lookup Zone (these will be only be available if you had added them previously), expand these Zones too.

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Step 4

Now right-click on the Zone and choose to Add Other New Records.

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Now the Resource Record Type Wizard will be opened, here many types of Resource Records will be available. Click on of the Resource Record Type and click on Create Record. Here I had chosen the DNS Key.

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Now provide the required details for the Resource Record and then click on the "Ok" button.

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