Building the Really Really Really Simple RogueLike V0.1 With C#

Really Really Really Simple Roguelike V0.1

Want to build a Roguelike game with C# in 5 minutes? The following is a really quick game I built in about 2 hours and shows how easy it is to get a simple game going.

Its a very very very simple game - all you do is pickup a sword before the monster gets to you and you win. Obviously, if the monster gets to you first - well you can work out the ending.

What do you need?

C# on Visual Studio 2005/2008 or 2010. Any version should be fine as long as you can create a console application.

Now we are going to add the following into 1 file in Visual Studio; rather than using multiple files and whilst this is not the best practice for a serious application, we are doing this to keep things really simple, and to display the entire application on a few pages of paper.
Here we go.

  1. Start Visual Studio 2010
  2. File->New Project
  3. Select the Windows->Console Application
  4. Name the Project ReallyReallyRealySimpleRogueLike and click OK
  5. Right click on References->Add Reference...
  6. Click on Assemblies then Framework and select System.Drawing
  7. At the top of Program.cs insert the following line using System.Drawing;
  8. Replace the program class with the following:

    class ReallyReallyReallySimpleRogueLike
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Dungeon dungeon = new Dungeon(Constants.DungeonWidth, Constants.DungeonHeight);
                string displayText = Constants.IntroductionText;

                while (dungeon.IsGameActive)
                    displayText = dungeon.ExecuteCommand(Console.ReadKey());


            private static string ConcludeGame(Dungeon dungeon)
                return (dungeon.player.Hits > 0) ? Constants.PlayerWinsText : Constants.MonsterWinsText;

  9. Now add the following class:

    class Dungeon
            Random r;
            public Player player;
            List monsters;
            List swords;
            List walls;

            public Tile[,] Tiles;
            private int xMax;
            private int yMax;
            public enum Direction

            public bool IsGameActive

                    return (player.Hits > 0 && monsters.Any(m => m.Hits > 0));

            public Dungeon(int xMax, int yMax)
                monsters = new List();
                walls = new List();
                swords = new List();

                this.xMax = xMax;
                this.yMax = yMax;
                Tiles = new Tile[xMax, yMax];

            public string ExecuteCommand(ConsoleKeyInfo command)
                string commandResult = ProcessCommand(command);

                return commandResult;

            private void ProcessMonsters()
                if (monsters != null && monsters.Count > 0)
                    monsters.Where(m => m.Hits >= 0).ToList().ForEach(m =>

            private void BuildRandomDungeon()
    r = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < xMax; i++)
    Wall top = new Wall(i, 0);
    Wall bottom = new Wall(i, yMax - 1);

    for (int i = 0; i < yMax; i++)
    Wall left = new Wall(0, i);
    Wall right = new Wall(xMax - 1, i);

    for (int i = 0; i < Constants.NumberOfSwords; i++)
    Sword s = new Sword(GetValidRandomPoint());

    for (int i = 0; i 0 && monster.X player.X) ? -1 : 1;

    if ((monster.Y > 0 && monster.Y player.Y) ? -1 : 1;

    if (!IsInvalidValidMove(move.X, move.Y))
    monster.X = move.X;
    monster.Y = move.Y;

    if (monster.X == player.X && monster.Y == player.Y)

            private void ResolveCombat(Monster monster)
                if (player.Inventory.Any())
            public string ProcessCommand(ConsoleKeyInfo command)
                string output = string.Empty;
                switch (command.Key)
                    case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                    case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                    case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                    case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                        output = GetNewLocation(command, new Point(player.X, player.Y));
                    case ConsoleKey.F1:
                        output = Constants.NoHelpText;
                return output;

            private string GetNewLocation(ConsoleKeyInfo command, Point move)
                switch (command.Key)
                    case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                        move.Y -= 1;
                    case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                        move.Y += 1;
                    case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                        move.X += 1;
                    case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                        move.X -= 1;

                if (!IsInvalidValidMove(move.X, move.Y))
                    player.X = move.X;
                    player.Y = move.Y;
                    if (Tiles[move.X, move.Y] is Sword && player.Inventory.Count == 0)
                        Sword sword = (Sword)Tiles[move.X, move.Y];
                    return Constants.OKCommandText;
                    return Constants.InvalidMoveText;

            public bool IsInvalidValidMove(int x, int y)
                return (x == 0 || x == Constants.DungeonWidth - 1 || y == Constants.DungeonHeight - 1 || y == 0);

            public void SetDungeonTiles()
                //Draw the empty dungeon


            private void SetAllDungeonObjectsToTiles()
                //Now draw each of the parts of the dungeon
                walls.ForEach(w => Tiles[w.X, w.Y] = w);
                swords.ForEach(s => Tiles[s.X, s.Y] = s);
                monsters.ForEach(m => Tiles[m.X, m.Y] = m);
                Tiles[player.X, player.Y] = player;

            private void SetAllDungeonSquaresToTiles()

                for (int i = 0; i < yMax; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < xMax; j++)
                        Tiles[j, i] = new Tile(i, j);

            public void DrawToConsole()
                for (int i = 0; i < yMax; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < xMax; j++)
                        Console.ForegroundColor = Tiles[j, i].Color;
                        Console.Write(Tiles[j, i].ImageCharacter);

  10. Now underneath, add the following code for the Tile, Wall and Sword classes:

    public class Tile
            public string name { get; set; }
            public string ImageCharacter { get; set; }
            public ConsoleColor Color { get; set; }
            public int X { get; set; }
            public int Y { get; set; }

            public Tile() { }

            public Tile(int x, int y)
                : base()
                this.X = x;
                this.Y = y;
                ImageCharacter = Constants.TileImage;
                Color = Constants.TileColor;

        public class Wall : Tile
            public Wall(int x, int y)
                : base(x, y)
                ImageCharacter = Constants.WallImage;
                this.Color = Constants.WallColor;

        public class Sword : Tile
            public Sword(Point p)
                ImageCharacter = Constants.SwordImage;
                this.Color = Constants.SwordColor;
                X = p.X;
                Y = p.Y;

  11. Now add the classes you need for the various creatures:

    public class Creature : Tile
            public int Hits { get; set; }

            public void Die()
                Hits = 0;

        public class Player : Creature
            public Player(Point p)
                ImageCharacter = Constants.PlayerImage;
                Color = Constants.PlayerColor;
                Inventory = new List();
                X = p.X;
                Y = p.Y;
                Hits = Constants.StartingHitPoints;

            public List Inventory { get; set; }

        public class Monster : Creature
            public Monster(Point p)
                ImageCharacter = Constants.MonsterImage;
                Color = Constants.MonsterColor;
                X = p.X;
                Y = p.Y;
                Hits = Constants.StartingHitPoints;


  12. Now add the following class for all our constants:

        public static class Constants
            public readonly static int DungeonHeight = 20;
            public readonly static int DungeonWidth = 20;
            public readonly static int NumberOfSwords = 5;
            public readonly static int MonsterDamage = 2;
            public readonly static int NumberOfMonsters = 1;
            public readonly static int StartingHitPoints = 10;

            public readonly static string TileImage = ".";
            public readonly static string WallImage = "#";
            public readonly static string PlayerImage = "@";
            public readonly static string SwordImage = "s";
            public readonly static string StepsImage = "S";
            public readonly static string MonsterImage = "M";
            public readonly static string CursorImage = ">";

            public readonly static ConsoleColor MonsterColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
            public readonly static ConsoleColor PlayerColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
            public readonly static ConsoleColor WallColor = ConsoleColor.DarkCyan;
            public readonly static ConsoleColor SwordColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
            public readonly static ConsoleColor TileColor = ConsoleColor.White;

            public readonly static string InvalidCommandText = "That is not a valid command";
            public readonly static string OKCommandText = "OK";
            public readonly static string InvalidMoveText = "That is not a valid move";
            public readonly static string IntroductionText = "Welcome to the dungeon - grab a sword kill the monster(s) win the game";
            public readonly static string PlayerWinsText = "Player kills monster and wins";
            public readonly static string MonsterWinsText = "Monster kills player and wins";
            public readonly static string NoHelpText = "No help text";

  13. Compile and Run this and you should see something like:


Next Time.

Next time I will present the first iteration of the program and we'll see some nice improvements.

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