How to Display Different Window Styles in WPF Using F#

Today I am going to explain how you can display different window styles in WPF using F#. If you want to show a different window style firstly you will create a MenuItem Object to change the window style than you will add the items (Window Styles) to the menu. Then you will add this style menu to a Dock Panel and lastly add a TextBlock to the Dock panel to show the Text in the Window. where you can set the Title, FontSize and Alignment properties for the Text.

A MenuItem object will be created by below code.

// This will Create the MenuItem objects to change WindowStyle
let stylItm = new MenuItem(Header="_WindowStyle");

The below given code will add the Items to the Menu.

// This will Add window styles menu items
[("_Window Without Border", WindowStyle.None);
 ("_Window with Single Border",WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow);
 ("_Window with 3D Border",WindowStyle.ThreeDBorderWindow);
 ("_Window with Tool",WindowStyle.ToolWindow)]
 |> Seq.iter (fun (str,style) ->
      let cmpnt = new MenuItem(Header=str,
                              IsChecked= (style=wndw.WindowStyle))
      if cmpnt.IsChecked then itemChecked <- cmpnt
      cmpnt.Click.Add( fun _ ->
         itemChecked.IsChecked <- false
         cmpnt.IsChecked <- true
         wndw.WindowStyle <-(cmpnt.Tag :?> WindowStyle)
         itemChecked <- cmpnt)
      stylItm.Items.Add(cmpnt) |> ignore)

Then you will add this style Menu to the Dock Panel with the below code.

// This will Add Style menu to dock panel
let nwmnu = new Menu()
DockPanel.SetDock(nwmnu, Dock.Top)

Lastly a TextBlock will be added to the Dock Panel with the below code.

//This will Add TextBlock to DockPanel
   (new TextBlock(Text=wndw.Title,
                  TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center)
   ) |> ignore

Steps For Window style

Step 1: Firstly Open a new project in F# using Visual Studio 2010. Select F# WPF application template and give name to it like below image.

New Project Dialog Box

Step 2: Now add the below define references to the project by right clicking on the project in Solution Explorer.

  • PresentationCore

  • PresentationFramework

  • System

  • System.Xaml

  • WindowsBase

Step 3: When you have added all these references, your Solution Explorer will look like the below image.

Solution Explorer

Step 4: Now click on Program.fs in Solution Explorer and write the below code in the Program.fs window. Your window will look like below.

Window Style code part1

Window Style code part1.1

open System
open System.Windows
open System.Windows.Controls
open System.Windows.Input
open System.Windows.Media
let mutable itemChecked:MenuItem = null
let dck = new DockPanel()
let wndw = new Window(Title="Different Window Styles",
                        SizeToContent = SizeToContent.WidthAndHeight,
// This will Create the MenuItem objects to change WindowStyle
let stylItm = new MenuItem(Header="_WindowStyle");
// This will Add window styles menu items
[("_Window Without Border", WindowStyle.None);
 ("_Window with Single Border",WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow);
 ("_Window with 3D Border",WindowStyle.ThreeDBorderWindow);
 ("_Window with Tool",WindowStyle.ToolWindow)]
 |> Seq.iter (fun (str,style) ->
      let cmpnt = new MenuItem(Header=str,
                              IsChecked= (style=wndw.WindowStyle))
      if cmpnt.IsChecked then itemChecked <- cmpnt
      cmpnt.Click.Add( fun _ ->
         itemChecked.IsChecked <- false
         cmpnt.IsChecked <- true
         wndw.WindowStyle <-(cmpnt.Tag :?> WindowStyle)
         itemChecked <- cmpnt)
      stylItm.Items.Add(cmpnt) |> ignore)
// This will Add Style menu to dock panel
let nwmnu = new Menu()
DockPanel.SetDock(nwmnu, Dock.Top)
//This will Add TextBlock to DockPanel
   (new TextBlock(Text=wndw.Title,
                  TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center)
   ) |> ignore
    let app =  Application() in
    app.Run(wndw) |> ignore

Step 5: Now press F5 to execute the Code.


Firstly you will get the default Style of Windows which is a window with single Border.

Output 1


Then you will get the window without Border,3D Border and other styles as well.





In this article I have discussed how you can display different window styles in WPF using F#.

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