Special folders in ASP.NET

With the release of ASP.NET 2.0, Microsoft has greatly increased the power of ASP.NET by introducing a suite of new features and functionalities.


ASP.NET defines several special folders. When a new Web site is created the App_Data folder is created by default; it can contain a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database, another database, or an XML data file that will be used in the Web site.


From ASP.NET 2.0 versions Microsoft provided 8 integration directories to integrate different resource in your application.


It is also called Data Directory.


Special folders that exist in ASP.NET that can be added to your Web site are as below:




ASP.net reserve this folder name for storing browser definition files. Browser definition files are used to determine the client browser capabilities. Browser definition files have .browser extension.


These files are often used to help support mobile application.




App_code folder can contain source code for utility classes as well business objects (.cs, .vb and .jsl files). Classes that are present in App_Code folder are automatically complied when your web application complied.


Arbitrary file types can be placed in the App_Code folder to create strongly typed objects.


For example: placing Web service files (.wsdl and .xsd files) in the App_Code folder creates strongly typed proxies. Code present in App_Code is automatically referenced by ASP.net Application.




App_Data is used to store file that can be used as database files (.mdf and xml files).


App_Data folder is used by ASP.NET application for storing ASP.NET application local database. Developers can also use this folder for storing data for their ASP.NET Application.




App_GlobalResources folder contains resources (.resx and .resources files) that are compiled into assemblies and have a global scope.


Resource files are used to externalize text and images from your application code. This helps you to support multiple languages and design-time changes without recompilation of your source code.


Resource files are strongly typed and can be accessed programmatically.




App_LocalResources folder contains resources (.resx and .resources files). The same files that are being contained by App_GlobalResources but files located in this folder are only available to a particular project, web page, master page or web user control.




Contain subfolders that each defines a specific theme or look and feel for you Web site. A these consist of files (such as .skin, .css and image files) that defines the appearance of Web pages and controls.




Contains Web references files (.wsdl, .xsd, .disco, and .discomap files) that define references to Web services.




Bin folder contains compiled assemblies (.dll files) for code that you want to reference in your application. Assemblies in Bin folder are automatically reference in your application.


Special folders can be added to a Web site from the Visual Studio menu system. Typically this involves right-clicking the Web Application project and selecting Add ASP.NET folder.





I hope that this article would have helped you in understanding special folders in ASP.NET. Your feedback and constructive contributions are welcome.

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