Geocoding a physical address using yahoo web services and visual basic


Yahoo Web Services are made available to developers through Yahoo's Developer Network; a variety of services are available but this article is specifically interested in using Yahoo's Geocoding Service. This service will return the closest matching address to a submitted physical address and will also return the addresses position in latitude and longitude. The terms and conditions for using the service are pretty simple; users are permitted to geocode up to 5,000 addresses per day for the very reasonable price of absolutely nothing.

This article will demonstrate the basics of submitting an address to the service, recovering and displaying the geocoded result, and will also demonstrate a simple approach to displaying the location as mapped using Yahoo maps. For more information regarding the program refer directly the Yahoo Developer Network website located at

On a limited basis, the service can be used to obtain and store latitude and longitude on all of the addresses contained in some sort of contact database or asset location database, or might be useful for storing waypoints in a GPS device. Naturally the service is based upon physical addresses so its use is limited to tagging physical addresses with a lat/long.

When visiting the site, take a look at the different programs available and take a look at some of the many services made available through Yahoo.

Figure 1: The demonstration application running

Figure 2: Displaying the coordinates in Yahoo Maps

Getting Started:

In order to get started, unzip the included project and open the solution in the Visual Studio 2005 environment. In the solution explorer, you should note these files:

Figure 3: Solution Explorer

The Main Form (Form1.vb)

The main form is the only form contained in the application; all of the application specific code required to access the service, return the results of an address search, and to display those results as text or as a map are included in this class.

The code is pretty simple, if you'd care to open the code view up in the IDE you will see that the code file begins as follows:


The only import is System.Xml.

Following the import, the class is defined and a default constructor added.

Public Class Form1


    ''' <summary>

    ''' Default Constructor

    ''' </summary>

    ''' <remarks></remarks>

    Public Sub New()

        ' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

    End Sub

Next up is the declaration of a structure used to contain the results returned from a request to geocode a physical address.

''' <summary>

''' Address Struct is used to contain

''' the elements of the geocoded address

''' returned from the Yahoo Map Service

''' </summary>

''' <remarks></remarks>

Public Structure Address

    Public Street As String

    Public City As String

    Public State As String

    Public Zip As String

    Public Country As String

    Public Latitude As String

    Public Longitude As String

End Structure

' declare an address
Private SearchAddress As Address

The next section of the code is used to request a search on an address; this request is submitted to Yahoo's service which returns the nearest matching address along with its latitude and longitude. The geocoded address returned from the service is stored in an Address.


''' <summary>

''' Call the Yahoo map service to geocode an address

''' and return that address to the caller

''' </summary>

''' <param name="street"></param>

''' <param name="city"></param>

''' <param name="state"></param>

''' <returns>A populated address</returns>

''' <remarks></remarks>

Private Function GetAddress(ByVal street As String, _ByVal city As String, _ByVal state AsStringAs Address

    Dim newAddress As New Address()

    Dim reader As New XmlTextReader("" +  
    street + "&city=" + city + "&state=" + state)


    ' handle whitespace

    reader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.Significant


    ' get node values and populate address

    While (reader.Read())


        If reader.Name.ToString() = "Address" Then

            newAddress.Street = reader.ReadString().ToString()

        End If


        If reader.Name.ToString() = "City" Then

            newAddress.City = reader.ReadString().ToString()

        End If


        If reader.Name.ToString() = "State" Then

            newAddress.State = reader.ReadString().ToString()

        End If


        If reader.Name.ToString() = "Zip" Then

            newAddress.Zip = reader.ReadString().ToString()

        End If


        If reader.Name.ToString() = "Country" Then

            newAddress.Country = reader.ReadString().ToString()

        End If


        If reader.Name.ToString() = "Latitude" Then

            newAddress.Latitude = reader.ReadString().ToString()

        End If


        If reader.Name.ToString() = "Longitude" Then

            newAddress.Longitude = reader.ReadString().ToString()

        End If 

    End While


    ' return populated address

    Return newAddress
End Function

The find button click event handler starts a search for the user supplied address; the nearest match is displayed on the form's search results.


''' <summary>

''' Initiate a search for an address using the yahoo service; return

''' the geocoded results into an a new Address and the display

''' the values contained on that address using the textboxes

''' in the result section of the main form.

''' </summary>

''' <param name="sender"></param>

''' <param name="e"></param>

''' <remarks></remarks>

Private Sub btnFind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles btnFind.Click


    If (txtSearchCity.Text = String.Empty Or _txtSearchState.Text = String.Empty Or_txtSearchStreet.Text = String.Empty) 


        MessageBox.Show("Complete all search terms prior to submitting a request.""Invalid Request")


    End If


    ' setup a new address

    SearchAddress = New Address()



        ' populate the address

        SearchAddress = GetAddress(txtSearchStreet.Text, _txtSearchCity.Text, _txtSearchState.Text)

        Catch ex As Exception

        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")

    End Try


    ' clear out the text from all of the result textboxes



    ' load the search results into the textboxes


        txtStreet.Text = SearchAddress.Street

        txtCity.Text = SearchAddress.City

        txtState.Text = SearchAddress.State

        txtZip.Text = SearchAddress.Zip

        txtCountry.Text = SearchAddress.Country

        txtLatitude.Text = SearchAddress.Latitude

        txtLongitude.Text = SearchAddress.Longitude

    Catch ex As Exception

        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error")

    End Try 

End Sub

The next bit of code is used to clear out all of the search results section text boxes.

''' <summary>

''' Clear the search results from the

''' textboxes

''' </summary>

''' <remarks></remarks>

Private Sub CleanTextboxes()

    txtStreet.Text = String.Empty

    txtCity.Text = String.Empty

    txtState.Text = String.Empty

    txtZip.Text = String.Empty

    txtCountry.Text = String.Empty

    txtLatitude.Text = String.Empty

    txtLongitude.Text = String.Empty
End Sub

The next event handler exits the application if the user decides to shut down the program.

''' <summary>

''' Close the application upon user request

''' </summary>

''' <param name="sender"></param>

''' <param name="e"></param>

''' <remarks></remarks>

Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs)Handles btnExit.Click

    ' shut down application

End Sub

The last bit of code contained in the application is used open the Geocoded coordinates returned from the service into a running instance of Yahoo Maps. The approach here is simply to format a query string using the values returned from the service.

''' <summary>

''' Map the current location using the latitude and longitude

''' returned from the service

''' </summary>

''' <param name="sender"></param>

''' <param name="e"></param>

''' <remarks></remarks>

Private Sub btnMapLocation_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e AsSystem.EventArgs) Handles btnMapLocation.Click


        MessageBox.Show("Mapping Address: " + SearchAddress.Street.ToString(), _"Mapping Location")


        MessageBox.Show("Invalid address""Error")


    End Try

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe",_"" + SearchAddress.Latitude + _"&lon=" + SearchAddress.Longitude + "&mag=3&q1=" + SearchAddress.Latitude + _"%2C%20" + SearchAddress.Longitude)
End Sub


This application was provided as an example of how one might take advantage of the Yahoo Address Geocoding service. This service, along with many others provided by Yahoo, is available at no cost to the developer. If one were required to geocode a collection of addresses yet lacked access to some of the available third party tools (such as the ESRI product line), this service could be invaluable. The service mentioned in this article is only a small part of the overall offering and I would encourage anyone interested in providing a low cost, web based mapping solution to investigate the Yahoo Developer's Network.

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