This article demonstrates how to create 3D game objects in unity3D. Here, we will learn how to create more objects and how to create assets in unity3D, and we will also learn how to revert the object and apply it.
Unity environment version 5.6.1
Create game object:
Step 1
First you have to open the unity3D project. The unity window is like this,
Let’s see the various objects one by one.
Step 2
Select the GameObject menu in menu bar. The GameObject Menu has more objects to create a game.
Select 3D object and pick the cube option.
The cube object will be display in the scene view. The name is displayed in the hierarchy view.
Select GameObject, click the 3D object and pick the Sphere option.
The Sphere object will be displayed in the scene view. The name is displayed in the hierarchy view.
Select GameObject, click 3D object and pick the Capsule option.
The Capsule object will be displayed in the scene view. The name is displayed in the hierarchy view.
Select GameObject, click 3D object and pick the Cylinder option.
The Cylinder object will be displayed in the scene view. The name is displayed in the hierarchy view.
Select GameObject, click 3D object and pick the Plane option.
The Plane object will be displayed in the scene view. The name is displayed in the hierarchy view.
Step 3:
Select rotation tool, it helps to rotate your plane object. It also rotates all the objects in your game.
Click the Sphere object and change the object name cube into a ball.
How to create assets
Step 4
Go to the hierarchy view, drag the cylinder and cube, and drop the ball option, cylinder, and cube in under the ball. You can move the ball, cylinder and cube also.
Drag the ball option into the assets like this,
Drag the assts _ball and drop the scene view. You can drop the object again and again through assets. Now we create an extra two objects. It will display in the hierarchy view.
Revert the size and apply the object
Step 5
Click the ball and decrease the ball size. Click to revert option in the inspector window, and then click to apply option.
The size applies to all the objects (ball). All the ball size is reduced.