Creating A Data Science Virtual Machine(DSVM) For Linux In The Azure Portal


In this article, I am going to demonstrate how to create the Data Science Virtual Machine for Linux on the Azure Portal and connect the DSVM to visualize the VM using X2Go client software.

  • An Azure Subscription.
  • X2GO Client. 
What is Data Science Virtual Machin for Linux? 

The DSVM Linux machine is used for the Linux platform professionals to work with the various development tools at a time.This provides the pre-installed applications used to create, develop, and debug the applications and to working the data science on the Linux VM.

Follow the steps to create the DSVM for Linux.

Step 1

Sign in to the Azure portal.

Step 2

On the portal, search for the DSVM-Linux and chose it to create the Linux based DSVM.


Step 3

In the Documentation blade, it shows various benefits of DSVM for Linux. Press "Create" to build a DSVM-Linux.


In the "Create virtual machine" blade, enter information for various fields like Name, VM Type, Username, password, subscriptions etc. Then, press OK to proceed to the next step. 


In the next step, choose the size of the Virtual Machine. Choose from the various sizes of virtual machines as per the pricing.


For Settings, don't change anything, just press OK to continue to the next step.


The final process is to create the VM, to accept the conditions, and press "CREATE". 


The "Deployment Succeeded" message is shown on the notification area like this.

Then, open VM to see the details and configuration of the VM.

Step 4

To visualize our VM, press this Link to download the X2GO client. Choose the .exe to download. 

Step 4

After the download completes and the software is installed, open it and create a new session.


After choosing the New session, it opens the new window. In that, you want to enter the desired details to configure the session.
  1. Give the desired name for your session.
  2. Enter the IP address of the VM that we created in the Portal.Copy and paste it into this window.
  3. Enter the Username of our VM in the Login Field.
  4. Leave the SSH port at 22.
  5. Change the Session type to XFCE.
  6. Press OK to save your session.

In the X2GO client window, it shows our session on the right side.

Double-click to open it. Enter the required password and then press OK to connect to the Linux VM.


It shows the notification like below VM is running on the X2Go client.

After some seconds, our VM is displayed on Windows. The Linux DSVM is graphically displayed on the Windows using the X2Go client.



That's all. After this, you are free to start your work with the various professional tools on Linux platform.


I hope that you understood how to create the DSVM for Linux on the Azure portal.

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