OverviewFinding a fully working, lightweight FTP client that had no GUI, was free, and came with source was difficult. This API is based on one Jaimon Mathew had done, and I have added some methods, cleaned up the code, debugged it, added some error handling, logging, debugging etc. It is easy to use. Here is a code example: FtpClient ftp = new FtpClient(FtpServer,FtpUserName,FtpPassword);ftp://ftp.login/();ftp.Upload(@"C:\image.jpg");ftp://ftp.close/(); Not so difficult now is it? I started out wrapping fully the WinInet API, but it was sucha labourous task that it made sense to just to the FTP, sinse Microsoft has great support for HTTP, I could skip that, and later work on SMTP. Features
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