Getting Started With ManagedUI

This code is from Program.cs, which includes the start-up parameters of the project.

My Project is a tutorial project, which is created with MUI. Few source code files and lines are the ones, where we have Window, which is full of controls and abilities.


ManagedUI (Managed User Interface) is a .NET framework library, which is written in C# can be considered as a getting-started library for creating a very advanced C# desktop Applications. The idea is that ManagedUI can be like an engine for .NET Windows desktop Applications.
I decided to write this library few years ago, when attempting to create new version for one of my projects AHD Subtitles Maker. The point is that I needed to rebuild my project because the old version doesn't allow for further updates and especially for add-ons support. I started with the project, which is rebuilt then the idea of MUI came to my head. In that point, I canceled the work on ASM and started with ManagedUI, so that ASM next version will be built, using MUI.

Let's say you need to make a simple Windows forms Application, which needs to do simple tasks, then you do it simply by creating Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio, add some controls, menu strip etc.

Handle some events (menu item click, button click ..etc) then your program is done and ready for use. When your program becomes more complicated and huge, many controls, many tasks then your Application requires more advanced build and design like

  • Editable and dynamic menu items and toolbars. It can give end-user options to edit the main menu, toolbars, theme and shortcuts (hotkeys).
  • Editable and dynamic tabs (control Windows in the main Window). Also, you can give the end-user option to edit the tabs layout easily.
  • Dynamic built-in settings engine. It also allows the end-user to manage your Application configuration easily, easy to create setting pages as well.
  • Add-on support, the project uses MEF (see here), use Services instead of just add-reference style.
  • It uses commands and command combinations instead of just calling the methods and creating the instances.
  • Multilingual interface support is built in. You can make your project multilingual or simply single language.
  • An engine that can be used more than once to create more Applications.
  • Easy to deal with and coding.

This is the basic idea of MUI (Managed User Interface). You just worry about your Services, commands, menu items, controls and the environment will order them all, thereby allowing you (and end-user, you can configure what's end-user can do) to edit and configure the environment.

With the binaries file, I included a Tutorials file that will explain step by step how to create a project, to get the code that is used in the tutorials, please download the file

Here, we will talk about how MUI works and how to get started with it.

How does it work ?

The main idea of MUI is given below.

  • We have the Services that were detected by the main core MUI.cs

  • When a Service is detected, the Initialize() method of it is called. (MEF needs to be import. Thus, Services can be anywhere).

  • ManagedUI has a main Service for GUI called GUIService. This Service is responsible to manage the main Window, main menu, toolbars and controls.

  • Also, there is another main Service called CommandsManager. This Service is responsible to manage the commands of the Application.
    The commands are detected as well (MEF needs to be import. Thus, commands can be anywhere), but to use the command: the developer needs to use the CommandsManager Service to execute them, end-user can execute the commands, using menu items and/or commands combinations.

As a developer, you only need to

  • Create Services- The Services are not required but it would be better to use them. The best use for the Service is a core that holds the important information for your program. In the tutorials that are included in the binaries file, we use one Service that holds all the information. When an info is changed, an event is raised. Thus, all the components can act depending on that change.

  • Create commands, commands are the basic elements of MUI. A command is something, which can be executed, for example, you can make a command that opens a file and other saves that file etc. Full example of the commands can also be found at the tutorials that comes in the binaries file.

  • Create menu items, menu items can be used both in main menu and toolbars. Menu item can be a way to execute a command or simple to hold the commands. Full example of menu items can also be found at the tutorials that comes in the binaries file.

  • Create controls, controls can be TabControl or SettingsControl. Tab controls are displayed for the user in the main Window while the settings controls are used in settings only.

Once these elements are created, your Application will be ready for use. Also, MUI has a built-in engine that implements the localizing of Windows Forms. Thus, your project can be multilingual (see Localizing Windows Forms).


Installation of MUI is very easy,

  • If you want to use binaries, just create a Windows Forms Application, followed by adding the reference for ManagedUI in your project. Start using ManagedUI by using ManagedUI namespace.
  • If you want to use the source code (which is better, since you can debug and change the build configuration of your project), just add ManagedUI project into your solution, followed by adding the reference for it in the main project.

Simply create a new Windows Forms Application project.

Right-click on the solution, followed by adding an existing project .

Open mui project

Now, it is the time to add some references for MUI and MEF. Right click on the references, followed by adding reference.

Add mui refernce

Add mef reference

We are done. We can now start coding.

Using the code

Coding with MUI is very simple. For a quick start, just open the Program.cs file of the newly created Windows Forms Application, the code will be, as shown below.

  1. using System;  
  2. using System.Collections.Generic;  
  3. using System.Linq;  
  4. using System.Windows.Forms;  
  5. namespace MyProject {  
  6.     static class Program {  
  7.         /// <summary>  
  8.         /// The main entry point for the application.  
  9.         /// </summary>  
  10.         [STAThread]  
  11.         static void Main() {  
  12.             Application.EnableVisualStyles();  
  13.             Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);  
  14.             Application.Run(new Form1());  
  15.         }  
  16.     }  
  17. }  

Just change the code, as shown below.

  1. using System;  
  2. using System.Windows.Forms;  
  3. using ManagedUI;  
  4. namespace MyProject {  
  5.     static class Program {  
  6.         /// <summary>  
  7.         /// The main entry point for the application.  
  8.         /// </summary>  
  9.         [STAThread]  
  10.         static void Main() {  
  11.             Application.EnableVisualStyles();  
  12.             Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false);  
  13.             // We need to setup the MUI using parameters.  
  14.             MUIParameters parameters = new MUIParameters();  
  15.             parameters.ProjectTitle = "My Project"// Project title, this wil be displayed in the splash window as well.  
  16.             parameters.ProjectCopyright = "Copyright (C) <Year> <Author name>"// Enter your copyright message here.  
  17.             parameters.ProjectCopyrightMessage = "A short copyright message for the application. i.e. This program is protected by the law ....etc";  
  18.             parameters.ProjectVersion = "1.0.0"// Enter the program version here  
  19.             // Optionals  
  20.             parameters.ProjectIcon = null// You can use an icon from the resources, from a file ...etc  
  21.             parameters.ShowSplash = true// Set to false if you don't want to show the splash window on load  
  22.             parameters.UseColorForSplashBackground = true// We are going to use color as background for splash window istead of image.  
  23.             parameters.SplashBackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; // hmmm ...  
  24.             parameters.SplashBackgroundImage = null// You can set a background image for the splash window (when parameters.ShowSplash = true of course), the image will be displayed stretched.  
  25.             parameters.SplashSize = new System.Drawing.Size(650, 260); // We set this when the splash window doesn't fit our information.  
  26.             // !! OPTIONALS !!  
  27.             // GUIConfiguration settings are optionals, allows for further config for the app. All settings (properties) are set to true by default.  
  28.             // Change the GUI configuration, what's the GUI allows the end-user to do. We MUST change these settings here before the core load.  
  29.             // We can set the default main window size here, later on, user resizing values will be saved and used. This value is 1444, 906 by default.  
  30.             GUIConfiguration.MainWindowDefaultSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1000, 700);  
  31.             // Here we can disable the alility for user to change the interface language. If false, this will remove the commands and the menu items that allows the user  
  32.             // to change the language.  
  33.             GUIConfiguration.UserCanChangeLanguage = true;  
  34.             // Here we can disable the alility for user to edit the main menu. Same as above ...  
  35.             GUIConfiguration.UserCanEditMenu = false;  
  36.             // Here we can disable the alility for user to edit the shortczts. Same as above ...  
  37.             GUIConfiguration.UserCanEditShortcuts = false;  
  38.             // Here we can disable the alility for user to edit the theme. Same as above ...  
  39.             GUIConfiguration.UserCanEditTheme = true;  
  40.             // Here we can disable the alility for user to edit the theme. Same as above ...  
  41.             GUIConfiguration.UserCanEditToolbars = false;  
  42.             // Here we can disable the alility for user to hide or show tab controls. Same as above ...  
  43.             GUIConfiguration.UserCanHideTabs = true;  
  44.             // Here we can disable the alility for user to hide or show toolbars. Same as above ...  
  45.             GUIConfiguration.UserCanHideToolbars = true;  
  46.             // If you want to disable the default exit menu item and make one of your own .... the command won't be affected and will be still there.  
  47.             GUIConfiguration.EnableExitCMI = true;  
  48.             // If you want to disable the default help menu item and make one of your own .... the command won't be affected and will be still there.  
  49.             GUIConfiguration.EnableHelpCMI = true;  
  50.             // If you want to disable the default settings menu item and make one of your own .... the command won't be affected and will be still there.  
  51.             GUIConfiguration.EnableShowSettingsCMI = false;  
  52.             // SETTINGS  
  53.             // You can disable enviroment settings here  
  54.             // This settings control allows to edit the main menu.  
  55.             GUIConfiguration.EnableMenuItemsSettingsControl = false;  
  56.             // This settings control allows to edit the hotkeys.  
  57.             GUIConfiguration.EnableShortcutsHotkeysSettingsControl = false;  
  58.             // This settings control allows to edit the theme.  
  59.             GUIConfiguration.EnableThemeSettingsControl = false;  
  60.             // All we need now is to call this method at program's main !!  
  61.             MUI.Initialize(parameters);  
  62.         }  
  63.     }  
  64. }  

We are done. Hit F5 and the program will start.

First run

Follow the tutorials and finally the Application will be, as shown below.


With MUI, we deal with the attributes and resources. 

A code of a service is given below.

  1. using System;  
  2. using ManagedUI;  
  3. using System.ComponentModel.Composition;  
  4. namespace MyProject {  
  5.     [Export(typeof(IService))]  
  6.     [Export(typeof(MainService))]  
  7.     [ServiceInfo("MainService""main.service""The core service of the application.")]  
  8.     class MainService: IService {}  
  9. }  

This Service is good to go.

A code of a command is given below.

  1. using System.IO;  
  2. using System.Windows.Forms;  
  3. using System.ComponentModel.Composition;  
  4. using ManagedUI;  
  5. namespace MyProject {  
  6.     [Export(typeof(ICommand))]  
  7.     [CommandInfo("New""new")]  
  8.     class NewCommand: ICommand {  
  9.         [Import]  
  10.         MainService service;  
  11.         public override void Execute(object[] parameters, out object[] responses) {  
  12.             // We are going to use responses, one bool value indicates if the operation successed or not.  
  13.             // If you don't want to use responses (the command has no response), simple put:  
  14.             // responses = new object[0];  
  15.             responses = new object[1];  
  16.             // Put your code here ...  
  17.             // Set it false; the command is not completed  
  18.             responses[0] = false;  
  19.         }  
  20.     }  
  21. }  

The command is now ready, can be located and executed.

To execute this command, we can create a menu item that can do, as shown below.

  1. using System.ComponentModel.Composition;  
  2. using ManagedUI;  
  3. namespacce MyProject {  
  4.     [Export(typeof(IMenuItemRepresentator)), Export(typeof(CMI))]  
  5.     [MIRInfo("New""")]  
  6.     [MIRResourcesInfo("CMI_Name_New""CMI_Tooltip_New""page_white_text")]  
  7.     [CMIInfo("new")]  
  8.     [Shortcut("Control+N"false)]  
  9.     class CMI_New: CMI {}  
  10. }  

This menu item is now ready to use and executes the command 'new', which we have created before. The attribute MIRResourcesInfo is used to get the menu item properties values from resources. Thus, the Application is multilingual. We just created some string keys in the resources file.

Resources open

Resources for new

There is no more code required for a menu item.

For controls, the code is given below.

  1. using System;  
  2. using System.ComponentModel.Composition;  
  3. using ManagedUI;  
  4. using System.IO;  
  5. namespace MyProject {  
  6.     [Export(typeof(ITabControl))]  
  7.     [ControlInfo("Disks""tc.disks")]  
  8.     [TabControlResourceInfo("TC_Name_Disks""")]  
  9.     class TCDisks: ITabControl {  
  10.         // Some fields will be created automatically by Visual Studio windows forms designer here ...  
  11.         private void InitializeComponent() {  
  12.             // This method is created automatically by Visual Studio windows forms designer.  
  13.             // Don't worry about it, MUI will find it and call it automatically. Never use, call or change it anywhere in your code !!  
  14.         }  
  15.         // To get and use services, you can do imports like this:  
  16.         [Import]  
  17.         private MainService service;  
  18.         // Or you can simple access it from MUI.cs  
  19.         public override void Initialize() {  
  20.             base.Initialize();  
  21.             // Some code when this control is first detected goes here ...  
  22.         }  
  23.         // Event handlers codes here....  
  24.     }  
  25. }  

We just designed our control, handle events, change information in a Service. Subsequently, controls and components react.

This is the main idea of MUI :)

I'm still working on a big document file that comprises of all the references of each type of MUI. With the Demo Project, which comes with the source code and the tutorials, I think you can get started with the basics.

Publishing the project

When you are finished with menu items and need to edit the main menu to create the default main menu. Just go to View>Edit Menu.

Edit menu

Of course, the menu items, which you create will be listed when you want to add one of them. There are several types, each one have it's use.

  • Root items can be added as the roots (File, edit etc.)
  • Parent can be anywhere (but not as root) can have tooltip and icon, cannot be executed. It is used to hold the items (i.e. Add an item in Add>Something).
  • Commandable (CMI) can be anywhere as well (but not as the root) can have tooltip and icon and can be executed (executes a command, which you specify in the attr of that menu item). These items can hold other items as well and can be executed at the same time. (New, Open, Save ...etc)
  • Spliter is used only for splitting between the items. It cannot be coded or created. It is only used in map and can be added by an editor only.
  • Dynamic can be anywhere, can only have a tooltip. This one is used to have children items that are dynamically changed (Recent OpendFiles, Recent Opened Projects).
  • Textbox is a text box item. It can be anywhere, have special events and handlers.
  • Combobox is same as textbox, can be used anywhere, have special events and handlers.

Depending on your use, you create the items. When you are done, you place them in toolbar and/or main menu. The same goes with the toolbars, theme and shortcuts.

What about the end-user? You may don't want your main menu editable, same for toolbars, theme, tabs layout etc.

Let's talk how MUI handles this

  1. When MUI is started, it checks the GUIConfiguration (it was added in Program.cs) to see what's allowed and what's not for the end-user.
  2. MUI will look for menu, toolbar, theme, shortcuts and controls files for default menu, toolbar, theme, shortcuts and controls settings in the documents (MUI creates a folder titled as same as your project title in the documents)
  3. If these files are not found, it looks for them in the bin dir (binaries dir when your app exe file is located and ManagedUI.dll) to load the default ones.
  4. If nothing is found i.e. neither in documents nor in bin dir, MUI will create the default layouts (in default menu, you will see when you start a blank project, no control is there etc.)

Thus, to make default layouts for your app (Menu, Toolbars etc.)

  1. Design your Application normally, when you are done with everything. Place the controls as you like, edit the main menu.
  2. Close the app. MUI will save the settings files in the documents. Open the folder, using Explorer.

    Documents Folder

  3. Copy the content of the folder into your project binaries folder.

    My project dir

Now comes the settings, which you edited in the final steps will be used as default settings. Since your app will run in new PC, the documents folder will not exist and the files will not be located in the documents. Thus, MUI will use these files.

If you don't allow (for example)the end-user to edit the main menu, using GUIConfiguration at the startup code (in Program.cs), he/she will be stuck with the default main menu.

It is same for other stuff i.e. the toolbars, shortcuts etc.

There is a project ManagedUIUtilities (comes in the full source code of ManagedUI), which places that utility in a MUI bin dir (as shown in the picture above), it will allow to edit the settings without the need to copy and paste from the documents to your project each time.

Points of Interest

For me, I will use this library to build new major versions for my programs. I decided to publish this library, so that it may be a good use for the other developers, who wants to get started with creating the desktop Applications, but don't have the time for the environment coding (how's controls layout handled, menu items etc.) MUI can provide something to start with. Even if you don't want to use MUI, you may be interested with how MUI works.

Coding with attributes is the best way, I think about with the coding. For example, I want to describe the name and the Id of something due to which I just put an attribute, instead of creating properties, fields etc.

Please note that MUI is one way of creating desktop Application that uses MEF, commands module etc. There are more and maybe better ways to accomplish this.

Also, you can get the latest updates for bin files and source code on the original hosting website.


First created ASM v6 at 2013. ASM engine was so dynamic that gave me the idea of ManagedUI but was buggy.

Recreated ASM v6 again at 2014. The engine was better and all the bugs are gone.

In 2015, I noticed that ASM v6 engine can be used for more project. Thus, I decided to start with a project like an engine can be used to create projects. I canceled ASM v6 and started planning MUI.

In July 2016 MUI coding was started, finished it in November. I had to do some tests of it and done it with a base code of ASM v6. All the tests went to create and the project become almost bugs free.

I decided to publish MUI and still working on ASM v6.

The free online Word to HTML converter helps you get rid of the dirty code when converting the documents for the Web.

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