Understanding Face API In Azure

This article will cover the following -

  • Brief concepts and prerequisites
  • Implementation – Create a new Face API
  • Implementation – Access the Face API

Face API

Add facial recognition capabilities to your app with the Face API. State-of-the-art algorithms detect human faces in images, opening a range of facial capabilities to your apps. Face detection can also identify attributes, including face landmarks (nose, eyes, etc.), gender, age, and other machine-predicted facial features.

Once faces have been identified, the API can check to see if two people in an image or images are the same by using a confidence score, or compare it against a database to see if a similar-looking or identical face already exists. It can also organize similar faces into groups using shared visual traits.

Make facial recognition a key feature of your app with the Face API.


Read the following article to create an Azure account and for some basic information about Azure to get started.

Implementation – Create a new Face API

Steps to be followed

  • Open Azure portal and click on Add, choose category “AI + Cognitive Services”, and then select an option of “Face API”.
  • Fill in the details and create a new resource-group and click on “Create”.
  • Go the “All resources” section and see the newly created “Face API” named as “face -api-10-10”.
  • Open the particular Face API there and see the different options available.

Implementation – Access the Face API

Steps to be followed

  • In the opened section of the Face API, click on the “quick start option”.
  • Click on the “Grab Keys” and copy and paste the “KEY-1” into the notepad file from here.
  • Then, go to “Make an API call” and click on the Face API reference.
  • Then copy the “South Central URL” from there as we have created the API in that region only and copy and paste into the Postman.
  • Then, select any image file on the file-system.
  • Put the Content-type and Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key’s value into the headers.
  • Click on Send and see the response with the following details.

Happy Learning!

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