what is Deno Server's @ #%

what is Deno Server

Deno is a runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript that was created by Ryan Dahl, the same person who created Node.js. Deno is designed to address some of the shortcomings and design flaws present in Node.js. One of the key differences between Deno and Node.js is that Deno has built-in support for TypeScript without needing additional tooling or plugins.

A Deno server refers to a web server application built using the Deno runtime. Just like in Node.js, you can use Deno to create web servers that handle HTTP requests and responses, serving web pages, APIs, or any other kind of HTTP-based communication. Deno provides modules for handling HTTP requests and responses, making it relatively straightforward to create web servers in Deno.

In addition to HTTP servers, Deno can also be used to create other types of servers and network applications, thanks to its rich standard library and support for various protocols and APIs. Deno emphasizes security, leveraging the underlying JavaScript engine's features to provide a more secure runtime environment compared to Node.js.





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