Pushpendra Shukla, Ck Nitin,
Agile Development
collaboration, and iterative progress. It aims to deliver high-quality software continuously, responding to changing requirements and feedback from stakeholders throughout the development process.
Key principles of Agile Development include:
Iterative and Incremental Development: Instead of trying to deliver the entire project at once, Agile teams break the work into smaller, manageable chunks called iterations or sprints. Each iteration results in a potentially shippable product increment, allowing for continuous improvement and feedback.
Collaboration: Agile teams encourage collaboration among team members, as well as with stakeholders such as customers, product owners, and end-users. Regular communication and feedback help ensure that the product meets the needs of its users.
Adaptability: Agile Development embraces change and uncertainty, recognizing that requirements and priorities may evolve over time. Teams prioritize delivering the most valuable features first and remain flexible in responding to changes in requirements or market conditions.
Continuous Improvement: Agile teams strive for continuous improvement, both in the product
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