Graphics Transformations in .NET 2.0

Graphics Transformations in .NET 2.0

A transformation is a process that changes graphics objects from one state to another. Rotation, scaling, reflection, translation, and shearing are some examples of transformation. Transformation may be applied to graphics shapes, curves, images, and colors.

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  • Book type: PDF
  • Pages: 45 pages
  • Publisher: C# Corner
  • Language: English
  • .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0  


    A transformation is a process that changes graphics objects from one state to another. Rotation, scaling, reflection, translation, and shearing are some examples of transformation. Transformation may be applied to graphics shapes, curves, images, and colors. This article shows you how transformation works in GDI+ and .NET 2.0 and covers the following topics: 

    • Understanding transformations and its types - global, local and composite transformations
    • Transformation representation in .NET and GDI+ 
    • Understanding shearing, rotation, scaling and translation
    • Matrix and matrix operations in image processing, including rotation, translation, shearing, and scaling
    • Color transformation and recoloring
    • Text transformation
    • Composite transformations and the matrix order

    About C# Corner Authors Team


    C# Corner Authors Team, led by Mahesh Chand and Mike Gold, founders of C# Corner is a team of Microsoft .NET MVPs, Authors, Experts, and Consultants, who is dedicated to bring .NET technology in an easy-to-understand approach with real-world ready-to-use applications.



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