Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Programming Windows Store Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Kraig Brockschmidt

This book is about writing Windows Store apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Published on Aug 05 2014
  • Pages 1311
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Throughout this book we’ll explore how to leverage what you know of standards-based web technologies—HTML, CSS, and JavaScript—to build great Windows Store apps for Windows 8.1. In the next chapter we’ll focus on the basics of a working app and the tools used to build i t. Then we’ll look at fundamentals like the fuller anatomy of an app, incorporating web content, using controls and collections, layout, commanding, state management, and input (including sensors), followed by chapters on media, animations, contracts through which apps work together, live tiles and toast notifications, accessing peripheral devices, WinRT components (through which you can use other programming languages and the additional APIs they can access), expanding your reach through localization and accessibility, and working with the Windows Store. There is much to learn—it’s a rich platform!
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 The Life Story of a Windows Store App: Characteristics of the Windows Platform
  • Chapter 2 Quickstart
  • Chapter 3 App Anatomy and Performance Fundamentals
  • Chapter 4 Web Content and Services
  • Chapter 5 Controls and Control Styling
  • Chapter 6 Data Binding, Templates, and Collections
  • Chapter 7 Collection Controls
  • Chapter 8 Layout and Views
  • Chapter 9 Commanding UI
  • Chapter 10 The Story of State, Part 1: App Data and Settings
  • Chapter 11 The Story of State, Part 2: User Data, Files, and OneDrive
  • Chapter 12 Input and Sensors
  • Chapter 13 Media
  • Chapter 14 Purposeful Animations
  • Chapter 15 Contracts
  • Chapter 16 Alive with Activity: Tiles, Notifications, the Lock Screen, and Background Tasks
  • Chapter 17 Devices and Printing
  • Chapter 18 WinRT Components: An Introduction
  • Chapter 19 Apps for Everyone, Part 1: Accessibility and World-Readiness
  • Chapter 20 Apps for Everyone, Part 2: The Windows Store
  • Appendix A Demystifying Promises
  • Appendix B WinJS Extras
  • Appendix C Additional Networking Topics
  • Appendix D Provider-Side Contracts

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