
Ajax Tool Tip Control

Piyush Mahajan

Piyush Mahajan

Mar 25 2010 6:04 AM

Hello all,
 Here is the scenario...I want to be able to use a gridview in asp.net 2.0 that is bound to a datasource.  That's no problem.  The first column in the gridview is a manufacturer part number.  This data is going to be a link.  When the user hovers over the link I want to have a tooltip immediately show up in the form of a bubble or balloon tooltip.  The tooltip widow should point to another page that loads the detail information from the database for that part number.  Here are the requirements as far as what I need and am looking for:
1)  The tooltip must show up and stay in place immediately and state that the background data is "Loading..."  (Preferably an animation for progress showing)
2)  The toolip must not disappear when the mouse is over either the link or the tooltip itself.
Is this at all possible?  I have found various balloon tooltips across the web, but none seem to conform to what I am looking for.  I have been at this search for weeks can someone please help me or guide me in the right direction?  I know that this is possible because I see it in those advertisements like "intellitxt".
 Please help!  :)

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