
C# Modelling turn based rounds system with different rules

Pedro Manacas

Pedro Manacas

Jun 24 2010 7:53 AM
Hi all,

I'm taking my first steps in C#.

I'm building a turned based cards game that goes through several rounds and each round has different rules than the one before.

These rules are known beforehand. In some rounds there are suits that the player cant play, in other rounds there are trump suits. In each round 4 players take turns playing all 13 cards they have each. Then the deck is reshuffled / re dealt and a new round with different rules starts.

I'm a bit stuck in trying to model this in C#

I have my basic Card / Deck classes done with the usual shuffle deck and deal hand methods, but I'm struggling on the best way to implement this rounds system.

Can you help with the class /function modelling. I can code it from there.
