
Can't interact with ListView Component on form...

Dave Wilcox

Dave Wilcox

Dec 11 2014 1:16 PM
I am baffled.  I have a listView (lstvBatches below) component on a form.  It loads and looks just fine.   But I cannot do anything with it!!  I can't click a checkbox, I cannot resize columns, I cannot select various rows, I cannot even run the scrollbars.  Everything is present, but nothing works.  
I have included code.  Not sure it will help.  Also, isn't there a better way to display this code?  Sorry, somewhat new to the forum.
I add columns and headers with the following code:
int iColWidth = (lstvBatches.Width) / 3;
lstvBatches.View = View.Details;
lstvBatches.Columns.Add("BatchID", iColWidth - 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
lstvBatches.Columns.Add("Date Loaded", iColWidth - 75, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
lstvBatches.Columns.Add("FileName", iColWidth + 150, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
lstvBatches.GridLines = true;
The viewBatches() simply calls the loading routine.
private void viewBatches()
//run a query and then read results.
string sql = "SELECT * from UUHP_DATA.Auth_IMPLOG order by IMP_PK desc" + Environment.NewLine;
OracleDataReader reader = odam.ExecuteReader(sql);
if (!reader.HasRows)
MessageBox.Show("There are no records queried. Please check the sql.");
int i = 0;
while (reader.Read())
//Read the basic Member Data.
string sPK = reader.GetValue(reader.GetOrdinal("IMP_PK")).ToString();
DateTime dtDate = reader.GetDateTime(reader.GetOrdinal("IMP_DATE"));
string sDate = dtDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); //Gets the date to the correct display format. 
string sFile = reader.GetValue(reader.GetOrdinal("IMP_FILE")).ToString();
string[] arrayLine = { sPK, sDate, sFile };
ListViewItem sLine = new ListViewItem(arrayLine);
lstvBatches.View = View.Details;
lstvBatches.GridLines = true;
lstvBatches.CheckBoxes = true;