
confusion in file uploading in asp.net with c#



Nov 27 2009 5:33 AM

hello friends,

 in my application thr is one page named detailinfo.aspx

--   in this page there are some controls and also asp:fileupload control..

-- the data coming from database table for updating..

  here m getting confused...tht

    > page has asp:fileupload with upload button... & also save button which saves control's data into databse.. i want to save the filename into the database table while clicking on save button..

  > the page is haveing updatepanel...
  ---thts y the file name is not updated into the database table..(i saw the value is blank due to updatepanel's triggering event for tht upload button..!!!)

plz tell me wht excactly i have to do?

thanks in advance..!!

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