
Datagrid Please Help - Cant get it to work :(

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Hey Guys, I'll try to explain it a little better.
String Category Will equal say "£29.00" at startup
But i cannot parse it into an Int because of the £

So if i try to substring category – string removePoundSign = category.substring(1, category.length – 1) it shows "29.00" which is what I want but then if i do the if statement

Then i turn that into an Int
Int myValue

Int32.TryParse(removePoundSign, out myValue)

If (myValue >= 20)
{ e.appearence.backcolor = colour.red;
It won't work because it's still looking at the grid and seeing "£29.00"

As i was saying I can remove the display format and get rid of the £ and it works but i was wondering whether there is a way of doing it and keeping the £

Thanks alot

private void gridView1_RowStyle(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowStyleEventArgs e)
  GridView View = sender as GridView;

  string category = View.GetRowCellDisplayText(e.RowHandle, View.Columns["Creditamount"]);
  string removePoundSign = category.Substring(1, category.Length - 1);

  int numValue;
  Int32.TryParse(removePoundSign, out numValue);

  if (numValue >= 90)
  e.Appearance.BackColor = Color.Red;
  e.Appearance.BackColor2 = Color.SeaShell;

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