
DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid.

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I am attempting to become familiar with DataGridView class and in particular DataGridViewComboBoxColumn.  I created a sample program to this end but keep getting the following exception when running it:


  System.Argument.Exception: DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid.

I created a DataGridView object via the designer and programatically added a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn setting the DataSource to a List<> of objects.

The exception appears to happen when the ComboBoxColumn object gains and then loses focus.  Also the value is never updated.  I handled the DataError event for kicks but it did not get me any additional information via the event argument.

    public partial class Form1 : Form


        public Form1()


            cars = new List<Car>();

            cars.Add(new Car("Chevy", "Monte Carlo", Color.Black));

            cars.Add(new Car("Ford", "Contour", Color.Blue));




            DataGridViewComboBoxColumn column = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();

            column.Name = "Cars";

            column.DataSource = cars;





        private List<Car> cars;



Here is the Car class (minus some implementation details).  I also implemented a TypeConverter to turn Car objects into strings and vica versa (although I'm not sure if this is really needed)..  

enum Color { Unknown, Black, Blue, Red, Yellow };



    class Car


        public Car()

            : this ("", "", Color.Unknown)



        public Car(string make, string model, Color color)



        public string Make



        public string Model



        public Color Color



        public override string ToString()



        private string make;

        private string model;

        private Color color;



I must be doing something fundalmentally wrong, but after a couple of hours of searching I have yet to find any help specifically with DataGridViewComboBoxColumn using a list of objects as it's data source. Any help is appreciated.



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