
Excel Interop Error



Aug 3 2015 5:45 AM
Hi All,
For ne of my application, i need to generate excel sheet. for this i am using Microsoft.office.Interop.Excel reference and those methods. In my local system i have Excel installed so didn't get any issue and build succeed. 
But in my client environment Excel not there and when i am running the code, its throwing exception as "The system could not find the specified file 'Microsoft.office.Interop.Excel,Version =, culture = neutral" . 
How can i resolve this error without installing the Excel in server. Do i have any other methods which resolve this issue without Installation.
Even i added below one in config file, but still throwing exception.
<add assembly="office, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"/>
Please check and provide me the best solution which helps me to overcome the error. 

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