
FileSystemWatcher and its buffer

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Hi all, I have a big problem with a bug of the filesystemWatcher (or let's say a bug in my way of doing it). My software scan a folder for new created files, it then use this file to make some treatment and then it backup the file. The thing is that some times I need 2 files to do the treatment and when I fisnih I back those 2 files up. But when I do that the FSW break. I mean, let's the FSW has 3 files in its buffer : {file1, file2, file3} It first call myfunction( file1 ), while treating file1, I need file2, as file2 exists, I do my things and then backup them up. But now, the FSW try to call myfunction( file2 ) but it crashs as file2 has been moved. How can I control the FSW to tell it to go to file3 ?