got the error "Cannot have more than 32 columns" while creating datarelation b/w datacolumns.....?????
I am comparing to datatables and returning differences with another datatable...
But I got the error while creating the data relation i.e., "Cannot have more than 32 Columns" which is in red color.
private DataTable GetDifferences(DataTable dbTable, DataTable xlTable)
DataTable resultTable = new DataTable();
using (DataSet ds = new DataSet())
ds.Tables.AddRange(new DataTable[] { dbTable.Copy(), xlTable.Copy() });
DataColumn[] dbTableColumns = new DataColumn[ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < dbTableColumns.Length; i++)
dbTableColumns[i] = ds.Tables[0].Columns[i];
DataColumn[] xlTableColumns = new DataColumn[ds.Tables[1].Columns.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < xlTableColumns.Length; i++)
xlTableColumns[i] = ds.Tables[1].Columns[i];
DataRelation dr1 = new DataRelation(string.Empty, dbTableColumns, xlTableColumns, false);
DataRelation dr2 = new DataRelation(string.Empty, xlTableColumns, dbTableColumns, false);
for (int i = 0; i < dbTable.Columns.Count; i++)
resultTable.Columns.Add(dbTable.Columns[i].ColumnName, dbTable.Columns[i].DataType);
foreach (DataRow parentRow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
DataRow[] childRows = parentRow.GetChildRows(dr1);
if (childRows == null || childRows.Length == 0)
resultTable.LoadDataRow(parentRow.ItemArray, true);
foreach (DataRow parentRow in ds.Tables[1].Rows)
DataRow[] childRows = parentRow.GetChildRows(dr2);
if (childRows == null || childRows.Length == 0)
resultTable.LoadDataRow(parentRow.ItemArray, true);
return resultTable;
can some body plz tell me how can we sort out this issue..??
Murali krishna.