
How do I set a combobox to a selected value when the combobox holds a class



Dec 24 2009 1:29 PM

I'm stuck on this one...I have a combobox that i've filled as shown below (code thinned out for simplicity):
        // Load Material codes into combobox.
        intID = somenumber; //ex: 123, 234
        strItem = somestring; // ex: "white", "black"
        Material item = new Material(intID, strItem);

// where Material is as shown below (code thinned out for simplicity):
        private class Material
            private int intMaterialID;
            private string strMaterialCode;
            public Material(int intID, string strItem)
                intMaterialID = intID;
                strMaterialCode = strItem;
            public override string ToString()
                return this.strMaterialCode;
My question is that if later on in the code, if I know the value of "intID", how do I have the combobox display that selection?
While the following works, it's not what I need as I don't want to search for the strItem, but the intID.
cboMaterial.SelectedIndex = cboMaterial.FindStringExact("white")

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