I’m trying to add a “Username” under the image logo of my webpage after User login.
I want to add Session variable here to capture the username and after that want to call the “Session” value in the html code under the logo of my webpage.
My C# file code (Main.cs) file name
: [ModuleMethodAttribute(Require_Post = true)]
public string Auth(string Username, string Password, string CompanyRpt)
AuthenticationRequest Login = new AuthenticationRequest();
Login.Username = Username;
Login.Password = Password;
AuthenticationResult Result = Login.Execute();
if (Result.Authenticated)
Instance.Session.Add("CompanyRpt", CompanyRpt);
return "";
return "login failure - " + Result.Message;
My Navigation HTML file code:
<nav class="sidenav left hidden-print" role="navigation">
<ul class="menu">
<li class="user">
<div class="content">
<img src="/assets/images/logo.png" width="254" height="141" alt=" logo" />
The username should appear under the image that has been called here.