
How to associate points in picture to a list of names (or objects) ? (Map citu and bus stations application) ?

johnattan elyas

johnattan elyas

Apr 25 2009 6:01 AM

Hi dear all !

I want to develop an application in C# for a student little project:

I must use a jpg (or bmp) picture that is a city plan witch contains 15 bus stations. I have a list of 15 stations names (each name = bus station). I must create and associate 15 points (in the picture) to the 15 stations names. The final goal to attempt is to get bringing the corresponding station point in the picture (or the area of the point) when the user selects a station name from a listbox names for example.

To summarize, I have to statrt from a picture, must create different points on it and associate every (x,y) point to à name or object (only that, I do not know how to do it and don't know how to start ???).

These are my questions (I am C# beginner but already develop in C++ object and little java):

1) How to insert an image in a Form ?

2) How to create in the image some points (with the mouse for example) ?

3) How to associate every created point to an element of a list of names.

4) How to get briging the desired point in the image when the user choose a name in the list ?

If you have any source code of a resembling little project or a peace of code to start, I will be gratefull for you !!!



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