
How to Compare DataTables

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Rodney Johnson

Rodney Johnson

14 years ago
I am attempting to compare datatables with two columns in an array of datatables and send the unique sets to a separate table for viewing.  Is there an existing method to do this or do I need to write my own?  I looked at IEqualityComparer; it appears to be only for comparing rows within a table.  Furthermore, I was unable to get the thing to work, some build error about interfacing.

Anyway, I have a "master table" of the form
valueX   valueY
1            10
1            12
2            10
2            13
3            10
3            12

that I sparate into an array of 3 datatable of the form
1          10
1          12
2          10
2          13
3          10
3          12

Upon comparison there would be two unique tables that I would like to send to dtUnique that would look like
1         10
1         12
2         10
2         13


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