How to eliminate duplicates; Genetic Algorithm
I was writing my thesis and got to a problem that i can't solve. I am writing about Genetic Algorithms with steady-state selection.
The problem is that after some iteration duplicates shows up; my question is how to remove these duplicates.
How can i compare some specific elements from an object? I tried with the function Equals() but didn't figured out how to set her up.
Example: i want that this repeats until the new object isn't the same as existing objects in class population:
public void permutationRecombination(Chromosome parent1, Chromosome parent2, Chromosome child1, Chromosome child2)
int cLen = parent1.genes.Length;
int recomPoint = ga.rng.Next(cLen - 1);
int poc1 = 0, poc2 = 0;
bool nadjen;
// prvi dio (kopiranje gena)
for (int i = 0; i <= recomPoint; i++)
child1.genes[i] = parent1.genes[i].Clone();
child2.genes[i] = parent2.genes[i].Clone();
// drugi dio (umetanje gena koji nedostaju redoslijedom iz drugog roditelja)
for (int i = recomPoint + 1; i < cLen; i++)
// prvo dijete
nadjen = false;
for (int j = poc1; j < cLen; j++) // trazi preostale gene iz jednog u drugom
for (int k = recomPoint + 1; k < cLen; k++)
if (parent2.genes[j].ToInteger() == parent1.genes[k].ToInteger()) //trazi
child1.genes[i] = parent2.genes[j].Clone();
poc1 = j + 1;
nadjen = true;
if (nadjen) break;
//drugo dijete;
nadjen = false;
for (int j = poc2; j < cLen; j++) // trazi preostale gene iz jednog u drugom
for (int k = recomPoint + 1; k < cLen; k++)
if (parent1.genes[j].ToInteger() == parent2.genes[k].ToInteger()) //trazi
child2.genes[i] = parent1.genes[j].Clone();
poc2 = j + 1;
nadjen = true;
if (nadjen) break;
if(child1.genes==parent1.genes) MessageBox.Show("postoje jednaki");
} while (child1.Equals(parent1) || child2.Equals(parent2) || child1.Equals(parent2) || child2.Equals(parent1));